Find out if activated charcoal really does work for spotless skin

Charcoal may remind you of some amazing barbecue parties in your friend’s backyard, but certainly not beauty products. However, cosmetic brands are all going gaga over activated charcoal and including it in their new range of skincare products. Before you feel the rush to buy some active charcoal based beauty products online, you should know how it helps your skin and enhances its appearance.

It’s not a totally new concept

 Active coal for filters

The inclusion of activated charcoal in beauty products may seem to be a little new but it has been used in the medical field for quite a long time. Active charcoal has the capacity of filtering poisonous substances and it is used for treating snakebites, chemical or drug poisoning.

Active charcoal also helps in purifying water and making it drinkable. Active charcoal is now being used in toothpastes and detoxifying products like juices and pills.

There is a difference between active charcoal and charcoal. When carbon is infused with oxygen and can be ingested by humans it becomes active charcoal. This cosmetic ingredient has a high capacity of absorbing dirt and toxins. Active charcoal can absorb impurities thousand times its own weight. As an ingredient of your soap or face wash it will help in cleaning the pores and keeping your skin free of impurities.

How does active charcoal work?

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Active charcoal is a porous substance which behaves just the way sponge acts in touch of grime and grease. Only two grams of activated charcoal has the surface area of two big football grounds. This makes it capable of cleaning skin completely and thoroughly. After a rough day at work you can get rid of all the accumulated dust particles and toxins with the help of active charcoal soaps.

There are more benefits

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Apart from cleaning and unclogging pores, the active charcoal infused beauty products can also help in preventing premature skin aging. Active charcoal itself is an anti-aging ingredient as it reduces the amount of toxins present in the skin. It also tightens the pores and makes the skin smoother. It can curb inflammation which is often the cause of premature aging. Sue to so many qualities active charcoal is now being used in the acne products and facial masks.

Active charcoal is capable of drawing out the impurities from your skin. It attracts more impurities than its weight and tightens the pores. It is now being used in face washes, soaps, facial masks and acne reduction products.

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