Fight gray hair with the 3 simple tips

Fight gray hair

Grey hair is a common hair problem that almost everybody faces in the stage of adulthood. It is natural tendency of the hair to lose its natural color as the age advances and turn grey. However some people face the problem of premature graying which makes them look older than they are indeed. Sometimes people with certain medical illness also suffer from premature graying. The process usually start at mid thirties and by the time a person is fifty years old it might be complete. Try the following three tips to reverse graying of hair.

1. Hair color or hair style change

If you have observed 10 or 12 gray hair strands on your head then you must rush to your nearest salon and inquire about hair coloring options suitable for your hair. If you want a more comfortable option then buy yourself a hair coloring kit. You can color your hair at your place comfortably. Remember to choose a color that is more closer to your original hair color. This way it will make you look more natural and people won’t notice much difference. If most of your hair turned gray then it is best to have a new hair style or hair cut which will make you look younger and better. You can opt for hair highlighting if you have uneven gray hair. This option will bring back the luster to your hair.

2. Use gray hair shampoo

Use shampoo which consists of omega 3’s. This will not only help in reversing gray hair but also treats many other hair problems like dryness of the hair which usually occurs with the age and also exposure to harmful chemicals. A good suggestion for a shampoo which consists of omega 3’s is emu oil shampoo. This helps a lot in reversing grey hair and keeping the hair healthy.

3. Treat graying hair with essential vitamins and omega3 fatty acids

Diet plays an important role in reversing the process of gray hair. The three must have’s of your daily food intake are vitamin b9, b12, omega3 fatty acids. The vitamin b12 helps in preserving the natural hair color. It is also a stress reliever. Deficiency of folic acid, can lead to prematurely gray hair. Omega 3 fatty acids will help keep the hair strong and supple and helps in fast growth of hair. So, it is important that all the vitamins should be compulsorily included in the diet to prevent the pre-matured hair graying. If somehow your diet does not provide these vitamins then take supplements.

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