How to change the look of a lace front wig with baby hair for a prom party?

I am experiencing excessive hair fall, and I am just 19. It was due to the weather change, and I am under medication for prevention of hair loss these days. However, I wanted to know a few things about wigs from someone who has used wigs for quite some time. One of my friends has held a prom party at her place coming weekend, and she has asked me to attend it. Since I can’t think of any hairstyle considering my hair’s condition, I have thought of borrowing my sister’s wig. It is a lace front wig with baby hair, for medium length. Although I did try it, and it looked just okay, I want to know how can I add a spark to the wig to make it happening for the party, where I would be wearing a short dress in electric blue color. I have a round face; therefore, please advice appropriately! Thanks.

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