Castile soaps add rich and natural oils to Bubble bath

bubble bath1Bubble baths are oft reported to be therapeutic for relieving stress andrelaxing. Though the addition of certain ingredients can be harmful for the skin, yet with the addition of essential oils and natural moisturizers it can turn into one of the most functional therapies for individuals with dry skin. The latest and most effective addition to the natural bubble bath is castile soap, which is reported to be made of biodegradable oil.

This soap is made from vegetable oil and enriched with the addition of coconut oil, oilve oil, almond and jojoba. Doubtless the Vitamin E and UV spectrum present in this soap not only makes it a moisturiser base for bubble bath but also a rejuvenator. An article points out further addition of coconut oil and hemp. But it is not required as this homemade soap has all the natural ingredients in form of emollients required for dry skin.

Castile soap can be flaked and then added to the bubble bath. You can follow this natural bubble bath with a shielding lotion to moisturize dry skin in the most natural way.

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