Does a Brazilian keratin hair straightening treatment comprise of continuous session of treatment?

Last year, I went for hair straightening treatment, and my hair looked great for about a month and half, but then it turned out really ugly than before. I went for hot oil therapy at a spa, and lately I have been using this repair shampoo from L’Oreal, but nothing seems to work for my hair. They have just become so coarse and thin, that I wear a bun, most of the times. I have thought of going for Brazilian keratin hair straightening treatment after looking at several before and after pictures in magazines. However, I want to know from some hair expert, whether it is a treatment, which would require of me to shell out exorbitant amount of money every time I’ll go for it, or would it be like just a touch-up kind of thing! I want to get an apt advice, as I don’t want to spend another few dollars in yet another hair treatment, to get nothing out of it. Please help!

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