Community Writer |

Global community of social leaders and writers is a social network initiative by Dr Prem |, the social community platform allows writers and experts to share their opinion with the world. Join us at

Butterbur a safe option for skin problems?

my skin has been now feeling like a battlleground for which i am fighting for. It has now been inhabited by clusters of red spots,acne,pimples that cause me itchiness and a tingly sensation all the time.and it hits me worse when i am sweating profusely

Emergen C-a quick way to get clear skin?

i am worried about the blemishes,darkening skin and  heated skin that seems to have an effect on my mood all the time.I keep on complaining to my mom that why do i have to get all the skin related problems at one time and that it was not fair. The

Egcg skin cream protect well ?

many of the skin creams that i use are rotting in my vanity box,i dont even use them ,as they have failed to deliver any kind of result . Some of them have but not to a large extent. They have faired average or poorly according to me. Since i am having

7 easy natural beauty routine tips

The beauty products available in the market are mostly full of harmful chemicals. If you have ever worried about the chemical content harming your skin, you must have thought about switching to a natural beauty routine. But the thought of sitting for hour

Hemp Protein in foods?

The last time i went to the doctor he told me that i need to take some protien supplements. but then there are no foods that provide protien to that extent,so now i have decided to make a radical shift and consult the best protien provider. Then my &nb

6 Tips to look good while camping

Camping is definitely one of the amazing ways to relax oneself. With all the everyday bustles in life, it can be quite enjoyable to spend some quality time with friends and family. Moreover, with all the handy gears available, camping could have never bee

Liquid Chlorophyll to get over acne?

i am a prey of these red spots,itchy skin with blackheasds that have made my acne problem worse.Its like i am never going to get rid of it. This is creating a problem when i go out foor any job interview, i feel i am rejeced on the basis of my acne typ

Natrol acai berry diet?

what a persisting problem can wieght problem be,someone just ask me.i have been trying to loose these kilos that are planted on my body through various methods that are possible and available. But then now i am looking for something that can give resul

will Dmae s aging?

when i am sleeping at night and day,i make it a point to prevent my skin from any kind of damage that comes from external factors . Then when one day i was sitting with my client ,at my home, who is also my sister’s boyfriend,he told me that my skin ha

Carlson Fish Oil trim me down?

i have grown up in boston ,where you get fresh fish ,and i am proud of it. But then when i moved to toronto my skin started breaking out due to the winter there,even the summers were similar to the winters,with only a portion of sun peeping out.and her

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