Community Writer |

Global community of social leaders and writers is a social network initiative by Dr Prem |, the social community platform allows writers and experts to share their opinion with the world. Join us at

how does Coconut Oil help in growth of hair?

my hair is short and it has ben a very long time since my hair has remained makes me think that is there not any way that i can grow my hair.i dont want to use these chemicaly induced shampoos that can only damage your hair in the long run,i

how does Soft Laser stop aging?

It was when i was having problems with my skin and the way it was having wrinkles made me daughter who is fifteen years old says that i was getting old and that these wrinkles were a proof of that.that made me feel sad,as after taking such

Skin Care products for dry skin?

my skin when i was thirteen years old was really silky soft,but as and when i gradually grew up,i could see my skin getting dry and dark from the dust that is accumulated on it.this makes me worry as i am very concious about my is a vital part

how to apply Hair Color at home?

my hair is golden in color and it has been this color since my childhood.when my cousins come to my home each one of them have dyed their hair to some different color one or the other time.two of my nieces have changed their hair color to red and dark

concept behind Emo Hair?

me and my friends were sitting at my home one day and the hot topic of discussion that was doing the rounds was that each one of us should try different kinds of hairstyles.everybody choose the hairstyles i had already known about ,and i had wanted som

how can i get Curly Hair Styles?

I am having a big bunch of reddish brown curls that look attractive when i leave them husband says that one of the reasons that he proposed to me are the lovely curls i had ,something that was unique and different about gave my face th

therapies ,treatments and price of a day at the Spa?

I am a thirty two year old woman residing in manhattan and i am very fond of spa.but since i have been working at such late hours it becomes impossible for me to take out time to pamper this time i have decided to go for a spa treatment.bef

hair style for curly hair?

I am a twenty seven year women and I have curly hair. Curly hair are in trend but some times I feel to give a different look to my hair as now I am fed up with same look. One of my friend told me that I can go for some hair style which are made for cur

how to make Blonde Hair look smart?

I have blackish brown hair that are very medium length and look very smart on me ,when i wear trousers and crisp t shirts.makes me look like a corporate honcho says my father.this in turn really boosts my confidence.but then my small sister who is my b

most popular prom hairstyles?

There is a fresher party at my college and every one has decided to do prom hair style as one of the theme of the party. I don’t have any idea about what prom hairstyle exactly is and as I am new in college so I don’t know any one to whom

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