Community Writer |

Global community of social leaders and writers is a social network initiative by Dr Prem |, the social community platform allows writers and experts to share their opinion with the world. Join us at

Is Dr hauschka good for freckles?

I have an oily skin and during summer I also face the problem of freckles on my face which becomes visible as soon as I am out in the sun. this makes my skin look older and ugly. I have tried many skin products and uv ultra protection cream but none o

how to use a Chi Hair Straightener?

instead of visiting the hair salon most of the time and getting your hair straightened that can cost you a lot on your pocket and it also involves driving back and forth for a simple hair straightening that can be done at home.then my friends sister t

price of Stila lip gloss stick?

when my friend from new jersey came to visit me,i noticed a lot of changes from the last time that i had seen she looked more plumper and voluptous from what i had seen and my friends used to tease her by calling her stick.even her face

can dermitage really solve aging problem?

In my early days I was a journalist and due to this I travelled a lot at different places. I never cared about the dust and other environmental conditions, but now as I am growing older there is a sign of aging and thin line of wrinkle have started ap

Herbs that are added in skin care products?

if there is so much bounty and abundance in nature,then i dont understand that why do people use chemical substances in beauty products that can in turn harm your skin in the long term .why cannot we use herbs and then see what are the benefits that c

procedure of keratin hair treatment?

Yesterday when I woke up I found that my pillow was full with my broken hair. this made me really worried as I am just twenty five and losing hair at this age is not a good sign at all. I consulted my Dermatologist and she suggested me to go for kera

Cosmetics for an eighteen year old?

I am an eighteen year old girl since my childhood it has been difficult for me to even get my mothers eye mascara for make up.i used to sneak her Cosmetics so that i could see that how i looked.and with the use of these Cosmetics of hers ,it made me c

what are the varieties of Medium Hairstyles?

my hair whichb is red in color falls at the back of my hair and the last time i went for a cut,my hairstylist suggested that i do the laser haircut,in which my hair can enhance its beauty and will also suit my face cut accordingly.but then when my au

reasons that causes hair loss?

I am a thiry eight year old lady and I have noticed that suddenly my hair have began to lose. I can see some of the area of my scalp getting bald and I am really worried about it. I have consulted many of my friends and they suggested me to go for a ha

cure for white patches on Skin?

skin is a very important part of your body as it enhances your external beauty which is keeping the skin in good health is important for hygiene as well as self confidence.a good skin makes you feel confident in yourself and gives you inter

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