8 Quick beauty tips for dry skin and hair for menopausal women

Tips for dry skin and hair in menopausal women

Not many people are aware of the fact that falling level of estrogen can also effect the health of skin and hair as estrogen is very important in keeping things hydrated. The skin gets more wrinkled and dry when the level of estrogen falls. However, this is not the end of the world for you as there are a lot many things which you can do to counter this situation. Some of the most effective measures and tips to combat the problem of dry skin and hair in menopausal women are given below.

1. Increase the intake of vitamins and minerals

Although, it may sound very simple but a few simple changes incorporated in your diet can help relieve the dryness. These nutrients and vitamins makes sure that your body gets the boost which your body requires to get your skin and hair back on track. All you need to do is to follow a well balanced diet and the supplements approved by your doctor.

2. Work on your complexion

Next thing that you can do is pay a little more attention on your complexion. There are a number of topical treatments available for this, but you don’t have to splurge on expensive brands. Just look for those products which have certain key ingredients within them. For instance, creams containing collagen may help your skin look young, whereas creams which have vitamin A and C improves your skin because of their antioxidant effects. If your skin severely dry then opt for creams which have lactic acid. Sometimes these over-the-counter treatments are sufficient to relieve you.

3. Protect your hands

You have to pay special attention to you hands, especially in winters. This is because this dry winter air is capable of robbing your hands of even more moisture. Wearing glove scan be helpful in such situations. On the other hand, you have to be careful even in the summertime as overexposure of your skin to the sun can increase the dryness. Wrinkles and age spots will also appear. Sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 30 or higher can protect your skin from such effects.

4. Maintain the level of fluids inside your body

Dryness of the skin and hair also means that there is not enough fluids inside your body, so you need to take additional measures to maintain the level. This is not difficult at all, you just need to drink plenty of water, obviously your skin cannot get hydrated if the rest of you isn’t. However, most of the women neglect this aspect because of their busy schedule.

5. Have your thyroid checked

The decrease in the level of thyroid hormone also contribute towards the dryness of skin and hair. This problem of the decrease in the level of thyroid hormone is very common in menopausal women. In fact, dry skin is a symptom a potentially dangerous condition known as the hypothyroidism which is cause by the low levels of thyroid hormone. Therefore, it is always recommended consult your doctor if you start developing dryness.

6. Avoid tobacco

Maintaining a distance from the tobacco products can be very effective in relieving from menopause symptoms. The level of the hormone estrogen reduces inside a woman’s body because of tobacco. So, quitting tobacco is certainly going to show some positive effects on you. Also, if you have been looking for a good reason to quite smoking, then this one is worth looking at.

7. Change your shampoo

You might even be facing the problem of dry scalp. Shampoo containing zinc or selenium can help you out here. A deep conditioner can also be very effective in case of dry hair. But make sure that you limit how often you are shampooing your hair. Also, avoid using blow dryer and other damaging heat appliances. Wear a hat when you have to spend a lot of time outdoors as it will help your hair to retain moisture. If you don’t like wearing hats then treat your hair with a protective leave-in conditioners, they are equally effective in retaining the moisture of your hair.

8. Relax

The level of of thyroid and estrogen hormone in the body gets lowered because of stress. Try relaxing and in no time you’ll be awarded with a better complexion and healthier looking hair. Yoga and meditation are very effective in decreasing the stress level. Listening soothing music can also be very effective. Take a little time out of your hectic schedule everyday to unwind yourself you’ll be able to go the extra mile to combat dry skin and hair.

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