6 Hairstyle tips to suit volume and texture

Hairstyle tips

Nicely trimmed and aptly styled hair reflects your style and personality. Hair style should be picked on the basis of hair volume and hair texture. Here are a few hairstyle ideas to suit the hair volume and the texture.

1. Fine hair

Fine hair is smooth, flat and don’t have much volume. They have the shine but they can’t be really tuned into a hairstyle for they have the lifeless look. A perfect haircut for women with fine hair is definitely short or medium hair, so that they don’t really have to style it. Get a bob hairstyle, a shoulder cut or mid length hair style to make your hair look thick. You can get your hair shaded to provide the illusion of voluminous hair. Use round brush and comb your hair backwards to give it more density. If you want longer hairstyles then go for bangs in the end. Use styling products to make your hair thick. Styling gel and mousse would help you style your hair into ponytails, braids or sexy free flowing.

2. Medium thick hair

Women with medium thick hair are pretty lucky as they can get several hairstyles done, that can woo others. Your hair is flexible to styling and therefore you can get a longer or shorter hairstyle depending upon your height and figure. Style them as much as you like!

3. Thick hair

They do draw a lot of attention, but managing them is really difficult. They generally cover your whole face and need special care. Therefore you need to reduce their apparent volume. So, you should stick to layered hairstyles as they avoid thickness in one single step. Use a flat brush and hair dryer for instant results. Don’t get bob hairstyles as they would just look unappealing. Long hairstyles would suit you more. Add scarfs or hat whenever you have a bad hair day.

4. Wavy hair

Try an up-do for your hair. Keep little locks coming on your face so that they keep your face framed. Don’t make your hair too uptight.

Part down in the middle and pull the sides of your hair up. This half-up, half-down hairstyle is great. You can add curls to the end for the ultimate look. If you have little curls in the end then a side bun would be just perfect for you. Make a loose chignon by grabbing your hair to one side. Use a normal elastic band to secure it. You can pin a few ends but you don’t need to make it perfect, because the sex appeal lies in its imperfection.

Try deep side parting with curls at the end for simple, elegant look. The sexy ringlets would enhance your charm. This is an easy-to-make all time hairstyle.

5. Straight hair

Although many feel that straight hair is boring, but you can easily experiment a lot with them. Try going extra smooth and straight and use a straightening lotion for the ultimate straight look. Try side parting to make your hair look voluminous and thick.

If you have straight hair then go for the high ponytail. This simple hairstyle looks very sophisticated. But don’t keep the front hair too tight; instead add a little volume to the crown by back combing.

Side part your hair and make a braid on either side. This is a very elegant runway look and the hairstyle gives you an opportunity to show off those lovely earrings. You can also make loose braids for an evening party.

Keep your hair in middle parting and add soft waves at the tips. Use round bristle brush and a curling iron for the desired effect.

6. Curly hair

If you have curly hair and want to look flirtatious, then get yourself a short haircut. It helps you manage strong bangs but also makes you look chic. You can highlight the front section of your hair with a color lighter than your hair color, to highlight your cheekbones.

Add a side parting and let your hair go loose. If you have long curly hair than blow dry them, make them look messy and just straighten up a little on the top. With a pair of smoky eyes to go along with this hairstyle, you will look a rebellion.

Pull a small section of your hair and pin them on the back. For this you should gather the top of your hairline, pull back and use bobby pins to secure them. Use a hold on spray to avoid looking messy.

Create big waves on your hair and pull them all on one side. They would look glamorous.

Go for lighter hair color shades and make tight up do for your hair. Make sure you pass that killer smile to woo the hearts.

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