5 Tips to prevent premature skin sagging

Skin sagging is an inevitable truth of life. As one ages, the skin loses its elasticity and becomes saggy. But it is possible that women in their mid 20s have started seeing the signs of skin sagging due to inappropriate skin care routine. This makes them look older than they really are. Skin sagging not only reduces physical beauty but it may also hamper one’s self confidence. Therefore, one needs to prevent skin sagging during the young age.Check out these tips to prevent skin sagging in your youth and have a younger looking skin.

1. Avoid the yo-yo dieting

A crucial cause of sagging skin is reducing and gaining weight. The whole process of losing too much weight involves reducing elasticity of the skin that in turn results in sagging. If you are overweight, you look old. But once you reduce weight, you may get a wrinkly, saggy skin. To prevent this, avoid dieting and binge-purge eating so that you don’t keep on gaining or reducing weight on regular basis. Also, don’t reduce too much of weight in a short period of time. Instead lose weight slowly, indulge in aerobics as well as weight training, eat healthier meals and drink plenty to water to retain the softness of your skin.

2. Avoid too much exposure to sunlight

One of the main causes of skin sagging is over exposure to the sunlight. Thanks to global climatic changes, the sun’s harsh rays now affect us more than before. The ultraviolet light damages antioxidants and free radicals in our skin that tend to keep it supple and glowing. Therefore, the skin begins to sag after over exposures to sunlight, particularly during afternoon. Therefore, avoid exposure to sunlight during noon and wear a sunblock to protect your skin from ageing and darkening. But you can walk in the sun early in the morning or late afternoon.

3. Diet

Due to too much of stress and workload, women don’t get time to get proper nourishment. Therefore, they fail to take adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals that are responsible for keep our skin healthy. This results in deficiency of vital nutrients in body which later leads to skin sagging. Therefore, eat wholesome, nutritious foods to prevent ageing before you actually age.

Eat foods that are rich in antioxidants such as raw fruits. Eat an apple a day to keep your skin soft and retain the youthful look.

Omega 3 fatty acids prevent skin ageing in long run. Hence, you should include fish oil, olive oil or cod liver oil in diet to make your skin strong. A healthy diet would help to prevent dehydration of the skin cells. These oils would also prevent skin rashes and skin infections.

4. Products

Keep your skin moisturized. The best way to do this is by using products that contain natural oils and lesser chemicals. You can directly use products like olive oil and almond oil on your body to keep it extra soft and smooth. Don’t use face wash and cleansers that are hard on your skin. If you have a dry skin make sure that you use a night moisturizer to reduce the formation of sagging skin. Exfoliate your skin once in a while to remove dead cells from the skin surface. Use shea butter to keep your lips soft and luscious. Restore your damaged skin by using mild soaps and body washes with natural oil content.

5. Avoid stress and exercise

Stress is directly proportional to ageing. The more you stress yourself, the more saggy and wrinkly your skin becomes. So, avoid tensions. Although this is not simple, but through exercise, yoga and meditation, you can retain your youthful look for longer. Meditate for a few minutes each day and exercise for at least 20 minutes for 5 days a week. Don’t let the unattractive wrinkles find their way to your skin.

At the same time avoid smoking as smoke not only causes sagging skin, but it also damages the micro capillaries in your skin, thereby reducing its ability to absorb skin essential nutrients.

Be gentle to your skin and massage it once in a while. But don’t rub your skin too hard. Instead massage in regular circular motions to keep your skin supple and young. Use natural products on your skin as chemicals also damage the collagen and make your skin sagging in long run.

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