4 Homemade organic hair dyes

Organic products are fast becoming a norm as more and more of the world population is becoming aware of the harmful effects of chemicals in the cosmetics and food that they take. Organic cosmetic products may be an expensive proposition and may not be an option for a majority of the women. Hair dyes are particularly filled with chemical products that can cause a variety of hair and skin problems.

If you are looking at some easy ways by which organic hair dyes can be prepared, here are 4 organic hair dyes and their preparation techniques to try out at home. Be aware that these organic dyes could take time to take effect on your hair depending on the chemical composition of your hair and how deep a color you are looking at.

1. Hair lightening

Achieving a lighter hair color is not an easy task, as it can take days or even months to accomplish the task if you have considerably dark or black hair.

a. Take an organically grown lemon and add three cups of herbal chamomile tea. Massage the entire mixture into the hair and spend 10-20 minutes in the sun. Lemon is a lightening agent and makes your hair light with constant application. Continue this process 4-5 times a week and stand in the sun for the photo sensitivity of lemon to take action on your hair.

b. Take four ounces of organic pineapple juice and mix organically grown Rhubarb as well after mashing it. Fill your hair with this mixture and expose the hair to the sun again. Repeat every day until you get the results.

c. Take 1 ½ cups of fresh yoghurt and mix 3/4th cup honey along with this. Massage it right onto your hair and cover with a shower cap. Allow it to stay for eight hours and wash it off.

d. Take one cup of fresh yoghurt and add four tablespoons of freshly ground cinnamon powder. Massage the mixture right into your hair and leave it for at least half an hour.

2. Red Organic Hair Dye

a. Extract half a cup of beetroot juice and half a cup of carrot juice. Mix well and massage the mixture into your hair. Allow it to remain for one hour.

b. Take two cups of water and add one cup of rosehip to it and boil. Strain the mixture and pour it on your hair. Leave it for a day before shampooing.

c. Take three hibiscus teabags or extract the juice from hibiscus and boil along with two cups of water. Boil until the water reduces to 1 ½ cups. Massage into the hair. Leave it on for a day until you shampoo.

d. Crush marigold flowers to form a quarter cup and boil with 2 cups of water. Strain the water and add one cup of red wine to it. This can be left on the hair for 30-60 minutes before washing off.

3. Organic Hair Darkeners

a. Take ½ a cup of dry sage leaves and boil along with 2 cups of water. Strain it and leave it on the hair for 40-45 minutes after which you can rinse it off.

b. Take 1/3rd cup of walnut shells and three black tea bags. Boil along with 2 ½ cups of water. This must be massaged into the hair and left on for at least a day before you shampoo your hair.

c. Take cherry bark and black tea in adequate proportions based on how dark you want to make your hair and make a strong tea. Allow the tea to steep until it becomes very dark. Massage the tea into your hair thoroughly and leave it on until you shampoo your hair next time.

d. Make some strong coffee with organic coffee powder. Allow it to cool and turn strong. Now massage the coffee into the hair and leave it on for half an hour. Wash off with warm water after that.

4. Natural Brown Organic Hair Dye

For a natural brown hair color that can also hide your graying hairs, apply henna on the hair and leave it on for 4-5 hours. Take henna leaves and make a fine paste of it by adding water. This can be left on your head for 4-5 hours before washing off. Henna gives a deep orange-brown shade to your hair and protects the hair from fungal infections too.

Though organic hair dyes may not be able to offer drastic color changes which are possible only with chemical dyes, frequent application can surely bring about a natural change in color which is very obvious even though not glaring.

These methods are entirely safe on your hair and protect the hair form the harsh effects of chemical dyes that can completely change the chemical composition of your hair and lead to permanent damage, hair fall and premature graying of hair if done on a regular basis. Organic hair dyes can be used regularly without any side effects on the hair and also protect your hair from damage and hair fall.

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