4 Hair accessories for fall

Cute hair accessories

Decorating your hair with cute little accessories is what is in style this fall. Get that amazing look by dressing up your plain looking hair and your simple hairstyles with cute looking goodies. The fun is that you don’t have to go around looking for cute accessories. They have been lying in your closet for some time now. So just dig through your closet and give your hair the cute makeover it wants.

1. Use that Scarf

a. You will be amazed at how many different ways the simple scarf in your closet can adorn your hair. Scarf is one of the most popular styles for this season, as it can change the way you look in seconds. Wear it like a headband over open hair, wrap it the bandana way, or just tie up your ponytail with it, the scarf can accessorize your hair in the cutest possible way. It does a double job too, protecting your hair from the heat, dust and pollution at the same time.

b. You can also fold the scarf to make a narrow or broad headband depending on your look, finally tying it under open cascading hair or hair tied into ponytail. You can try the bandana style, a style many women follow for the unwashed hair days. Accessorize your outfit with bohemian necklaces, bright looking bracelets and dangling earrings and bring out the cute side of you.

2. Headbands are Back

They have been lying unused in your closet for quite some time now, and thankfully, the style has made a comeback. A schoolgirl’s best friend is now the latest accessory to make you look cute. You will be surprised to know that the traditional way is not the only style. While the flyaway strands are kept off your face the traditional way, you can wear it in many different styles, showcasing a whole new look. Wear it across your forehead and look like a Greek goddess or wear it over backcombed hair and bring back the retro look. To create a bouffant look, backcomb your hair and anchor it tightly with the help of a headband. This innocent piece of hair accessory can transform your look instantly.

3. The 70’s Look with Barrette

Barrettes are back to adorn your lovely hairstyle and bring back the retro look. This beautiful piece of hair jewellery can be used in more ways than you can imagine. Use it to anchor your short bangs, add glitz to your appearance or to decorate your plain looking ponytail, this style will add life to your hairstyle. Experiment with different types of barrettes. For regular wear, pick simple barrettes or combs and keep those decorated with rhinestones for jazzy occasions.

4. Hair Bobbles are Cute

Hair bobbles make your hairstyles look cute, bringing back the innocent 70’s look. These can work with ponytails, buns, braids, half updos. They come in various shapes, sizes, colors and themes and are simple to wear. You need to stretch the bobble between your two fingers and wrap it around the ponytail or whatever you wish to adorn from the underside and anchor one bobble over the other. Easy to wear and cute to look, they add instantly to your hairstyles.

If you start looking for such accessories in your closet, you are bound to find more such articles lying unused. Time to start using them and recycling the way your hair looks. Turn heads around with the new way your hair looks, all just by looking into your closet.

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