3 Home remedies to get rid of burn marks

Home remedies for burn marks

Presence of a burn scar can be very unsightly and significantly lower a person’s confidence level. Anyone having a burn mark would want it to disappear at the earliest. First of all people should be utmost careful and prevent themselves from any such injuries, but then there are no guarantees in life. That mishap can happen to anyone any given time. Life truly is unpredictable. First thing you should do if you get a burn, is to take proper medical treatment.

Timely attention and treatment will help to heal the burn quickly, thereby preventing further complications due related to it. In some cases, immediate treatment can significantly help to reduce the severity of the burn scar.

If you get a burn immediately apply a mixture of cold water and turmeric over the area. This will prevent the formation of permanent scar. The cold water helps reduce the burning sensation and the turmeric is a known natural anti-septic that helps in the prevention of the development of burn scar. Instead of cold water and turmeric you can also use cold milk. Press the area of the burn with some cotton soaked in the cold milk. However, firstly treat the burn, let it heal, only then start worrying about the scar. Wait for the injury to heal. Use the antiseptic and antibiotic creams prescribed by your physician to heal the burn. Try to avoid exposure of the burn to air or tie bandages to the burn. Once you ensure that the burn is healed, only then start the treatment to get rid of the burn scar.

Thankfully, there are many advanced medical treatments using laser techniques are available today that help you get rid of any kind of scars. That option is always available. However, you may also want to try the following simple home remedies that promise to substantially fade away the burn marks:

1. Aloe Vera, Honey and Vitamin C Tablets

It has be found that application of a paste made by mixing natural aloe vera gel, honey and some crushed vitamin C tablets considerably reduces the appearance of burn marks over time. Just crush one vitamin c tablet and add rest of the ingredients to make a thick paste and apply all over the mark. Gently massage and then leave it to dry for about 20 minutes. Wash away using cold water and tap some moisturizer over the scar. Vitamin C is ascorbic acid, so make sure your burn is completely healed and it is just the mark that you are addressing now or else this could irritate your skin further. This procedure can be repeated twice a day. You can make the mixture in more quantity and store the same for 2-3 days in the refrigerator.

2. Milk, Lemon Juice and Vitamin E Oil

Several studies say that a mixture of milk, lemon juice and vitamin E oil is a potent topical treatment for burn scars. To prepare this concoction, you need to mix one teaspoon of milk, one teaspoon of lemon juice and half a teaspoon of vitamin E oil in a small bowl. Gently rub this mixture onto the burn mark and leave it on for like an hour or so. After having it on for that long, rinse it off using cold water or a mild cleanser and apply some moisturizer over it later. This should be repeated daily to see positive results. You may store the left portion of the mixture, if any, in the refrigerator for a couple of days.

3. Chamomile Tea and Cod Liver

Another wonderful home remedy that works very well in diminishing burn marks is a mixture of brewed chamomile tea and cod liver oil. To prepare the mixture, mix 2 oz. brewed chamomile tea with 1 tablespoon of cod liver oil in a small bowl. Give it a nice stir and apply over the mark. Let it dry for a few minutes and then wash it off using cold water. This should be continued twice daily, unless to begin to see your scar diminishing.

Another effective thing you can try at home is regularly gently massaging the area with olive oil, wheat germ oil, almond oil or vitamin E extract from vitamin E capsule. Fenugreek seeds soaked in water over-night grounded next morning to prepare a thick paste and applying this paste also visibly reduces burn scars.

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