10 Tips and tricks to treat acne overnight

Treat acne

Pimples are a nightmare for everyone, especially for feminine group. The worst effect of the pimples is on young teenage girls. It can destroy your confidence level and give you sleepless nights. Regular occurrence of acne ruins the texture of skin and weakens its resistance against the pimples. Pimples are basically caused by the production of sebum or oil on our skin in excess quantity resulting in acne. There are numerous ways of treating acne even at home. Here are a few tips to treat acne overnight.

1. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a natural medicine for pimples as it is effective against pimples. To make it work, put some apple cider vinegar on a cotton ball and apply it to the skin area where acne blossom. The apple cider vinegar makes acne go dry and gone overnight. White vinegar can also be used instead of apple cider vinegar. It works best when this procedure is followed before going to bed.

2. Toothpaste

Toothpaste is another option for removal of acne as it immediately starts working on acne and makes it to lose its moisture. It should be applied to effected area and left for 10-15 minutes before washing off. After washing off, some alcohol may be rubbed on the area and left like this till morning. In the morning the result can clearly be seen as the pimple would have left your face for good.

3. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera has always been used in skin related products because of its tendency to keep skin fresh and problem free. It has been used since ancient times and is still used in modern skin treatments. In order to derive its benefits, use a soap containing Aloe Vera which will remove redness and the pain that pimples give you.

4. Eggs

Eggs have an endless list of uses for us and are even used to fight against acne also. Eggs are known to be used as an emergency treatment for skin problem. A face wash made from egg white is successful in removing existing pimples as well as prevents the appearance of blemishes in future. After covering the needed area of the face keep it applied until it dries completely and then rinse with lukewarm water. As this is totally chemical free and natural you can feel free to regularly apply this face wash daily or a few times in a week.

5. Organic treatments

Another option is the organic treatments which are frequently used as substitutes for chemical based products. Herbs contain hidden treasures that are being discovered every day. The efficiency of Basil to treat acne is great and is suited for overnight treatment of the acne. All you have to do is take some dried leaves of Basil and dip 2-3tbs of them in hot water for 10-20 minutes and let the solution cool down. Then use a cotton ball to dip in this solution and apply thoroughly to the pimples. You need not wash off this solution from your face, so relax and enjoy the soothing and healing benefits of the Basil.

6. Aspirin

It is amazing to find out how many things we use in or lives daily can be a medicine against pimples. One such medicine is the Aspirin. Take one uncoated aspirin, crush it and apply some water to make a paste. Apply a small amount on the blemish and leave overnight. Its anti-inflammatory property zaps out the acne from your face.

7. Water

Besides the application effective remedies on your face there are other things that need to be followed in order to get pimples free skin. Drinking at least 8 glasses of water daily reduces the chances of occurrence of the acne. This can also flush away the toxins in your skin. Water intake is considered as the best remedy against the acne and it also gives other health benefits.

8. Cleaning your face

Washing your face twice a day using glycerin or sorbitol soap keeps your face fresh and help it from during out.

9. Avoid junk food

Junk food is one of the evils that bring pimples on your face. Avoiding junk and oily food keeps your skin healthy and free from acne.

10. Do not pop pimples

A mistake that almost everybody makes is to pop or squeeze pimples which in turn can spread the bacteria worsening the problem.

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