10 Tips to fill in sparse eyebrows

Tips to fill in sparse eye brows

Women, from ancient times have been conscious about their beauty. The whole tradition of applying makeup and enhancing their looks has been a result of this consciousness. The women folk have been applying varieties of makeup as suggested by the markets of their times. In the present arena, women are more particular about the type of makeup that should be used on different parts of the face and body. When we talk about eye makeup, there is always a want to give a natural arc to the eyebrow. However, you must be conscious about applying the makeup on your eye brows as beautiful eyes are the first attraction. Sparse eye brows should be dealt with a lot of care. Here are certain tips that will help you to improve on making up sparse eye brows. Even when you have over plucked your eye brows and you know it will take them a few months to come back in shape, then these tips can be followed.

1. Find out the sparse spots

Pick up a clean mascara wand and then comb the eyebrows. Examine the sparse spots, where you have to apply the make up.

2. Clean and dry the eyebrow area

The eyebrow area should be washed and properly dried up before applying the pencil or the powder. If the area is slippery and moist due to the creams applied on your face, the pencil will not be able to color the brows area perfectly.

3. Decide the makeup option

You have two options either to select a pencil or a powder for the purpose of filling in the sparse eye brows. You should always use the option, which you are more comfortable with. Remember you will get the best results when you are easy with the application of the make up and well aware about its usage.

4. Choose the color or tone

The pencil you select should be lighter in shade than your brows, and the powder must be matching to the color of your brows. If the color of your brows are very light then you can go for a pencil a little darker than your brows.

5. Prefer mineral or herbal products

Pick up an appropriate pencil and powder shade. Since hard pencils are too waxy, therefore it is better to use soft one. You can go for mineral makeup pencils and powders for filling in the sparse spots. There are billions of cosmetic products available in the market. Women nowadays choose those products, which are chemical free. It can be recommended for women with skin allergies, acne, or dryness. The chemical free products may include herbal and mineral products.

6. Apply on the right area

Powders and pencils have the tendency to stick to skin and not to the hair, therefore you should apply them on the area where there is less hair growth.

7. Take your time

You should have enough time when filling in the sparse brow spots. When filling in with pencil you have to take time and treat every single hair from its root till tip. Be patient and cautious while drawing the strokes. Make light strokes in the direction of the hair growth.

8. Be patient and careful

When you are using the eyebrow powder, you should use a firm brush cut at an angle. While applying, dip the brush in the shadow and blow off the extra powder. Use the brush in the direction of the hair growth with light pressure. Be easy and patient while doing it.

9. Make feathery strokes with appropriate shades

Filling in pencil through out the brow results in an unnatural look, be careful you do not do so. You should slide feathery strokes with the pencil to fill in the sparse spots only. You should not make a definite line across the brows, rather you should make short strokes to give a real look. Draw the strokes from lower to upper hair. You can use two colors to fill in the brows. The dark color can be applied on the sparse areas where the hair growth is less and the light color can be used for areas where the hair is thicker.

10. Getting it all right

If the pencil is soft it will not be a trouble but if its tip is hard you can shape the tip of the pencil by warming it a little and rubbing it in between your fingers. You can also use a sharpner to get a fine tip for making perfect strokes while makeup. Using castor oil for the conditioning of your eye brows is yet another trick to keep them healthy. To keep the brows in place spray a little hair spray on your finger tips and spread it across your brows.

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