10 simple ways to shed the flab

No matter how hard you may try, you cannot ignore the fact that obesity is indeed a serious disease. The problem worsens when the extra weight earns a few companions in the form of diabetes and heart disease. Obesity not only distorts your beauty but also affects your health adversely. This is why it is very important to maintain a healthy body, which contains no extra fat. This article is an attempt to share some easy ways of losing the body weight.

Lose weight with ten simple ways

1. Switch off that TV

Now, this may sound somewhat lame but turning off the TV really helps in shedding the weight. According to the recent studies, eating while watching TV can add up to 40 percent extra fat. And not only this, any other distracting activities like texting and work done while having the meal also enhances the accumulation of fat in the body.

When you are not watching TV, you focus on what you eat. This means you are aware of the quantity as well as the quality of the food you consume. By being alert, you can avoid eating too much.

2. Eat snacks with care

The diet experts suggest that you must be very choosy while eating food and that is perhaps the most powerful method to shed weight. However, even though how hard one tries it is always difficult to control the craving. Not everyone can easily switch to green food and for many people this task is almost impossible. So, the next time when you get the feeling that you cannot control your craving any longer, then just tell yourself that you have come this far and there is no space for losing.

3. Use your cell phone

The next time you get uncontrollable craving then just call one of your friend and start talking about just anything. This will distract your mind from all that craving. Studies have proven that these types of cravings do not generally last longer than a few minutes and thus, by the time your call will end, your craving would have gone.

4. Monitor the process

Make a habit of stepping on the weighting scale daily at night. This way, you can monitor your progress on a daily basis and know whether you are moving in the right direction or not. If you feel that your weight loss program is moving at a very slow pace, then you can increase the duration of workouts to get back on the track again. Checking your weight regularly will also be a source of encouragement for you to work harder if you will find some weight reduction due to your exercise or diet routines.

5. Get into the habit of hitting gym

If you really want to shed the weight and that too quickly, then you cannot do away without exercising at least thrice in a week. It is not important how much time you give yourself in the gym, what is important is to follow the routine on a daily basis; you can give 15 minutes, 30 minutes or even more, but even 15 minutes would be just fine. Make sure you do all the exercises for different body parts and it would be better if you include more aerobic exercises.

6. Get proper sleep

It is very essential that you take a sound sleep if you want to shed the extra flab. Researchers have proven that a person who has taken adequate sleep is better able to make wise decisions when it comes to sticking with good food habits. Try to get into the bed 30 minutes before the actual time you go to sleep and wake up 30 minutes after the usual time of your getting up.

7. Control the alcohol limit

When you are trying to lose weight, you really have to stay away from alcohol as much as possible. A single drink of martini or vodka could give thousands of calories to your body, which will later accumulate in the body in the form of harmful fats. This is why you must cut on the booze. Whenever you do have the craving, then do take a healthy drink like fruit juice instead.

8. Have lots of fruits

Fruits are good sources of vitamins and fiber. The fiber is a very good food component, which helps in the shedding the weight. The reason why the fruits are good weight reducers is because that they are mainly composed of water and fiber. Both these components fill your stomach well and thus reducing the craving for food.

9. Get yourself a complete and balanced breakfast

Many people have the habit of skipping breakfast; some actually skip it because they feel that skipping breakfast will reduce the calories consumption. However, the reality is that when a person skips the breakfast, he ends up having even heavier meal later that generally consists of high calorie diet. Since the person has skipped the breakfast he later gets an intense craving for food and therefore he binges on heavy meals.

10. Think positive

You can never become thin solely with physical efforts. It is equally important to have positive thoughts in your mind. Having a positive attitude is very important during the weight-reducing regimen. You must always keep telling yourself that you will definitely become thin one day. When you will have positive self-talks, you will be more focused on your goal.

Life is a gift of god and we must use the gift wisely. If one indulges himself in overeating, then he attracts many diseases, some of which are even fatal. Even though you have gained some extra pounds, it is never too late to start a daily routine in order to get back into shape. So these were the top 10 ways for shedding weight and if you will follow even a few of these religiously then there is no reason why you will not get back into shape soon. However, patience must be accompanied with diligence if you want to see positive results.

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