10 Hair care tips for men

Hair care

Like women, men are also concerned about their hair. How well maintained their hair is, what hairstyle suits them the most, and other specific hair details are equally important for men to enhance their personality. However, the increased complexities in our lives have somewhat affected the strength, elasticity, and shine of the natural hair and thus men’s hair demands more care and protection than before. Here are a few hair care tips that you should follow for added protection of your hair.

1. Keep your scalp dandruff free

For great and beautifully nurtured hair, your work begins with keeping your scalp clean. Since scalp is like the soul of your hair, it is important that your scalp should be dandruff free. To maintain the health of your scalp, you should rinse your scalp daily and if possible, exfoliate it weekly. To replenish the moisture of your hair, avoid excessive dehydration of your scalp. Two easy ways to deal with it is to use a good conditioner or use only luke-warm water when rinsing your hair.

2. Don’t wear tight hats or caps

A tight hat or ponytail can seriously suffocate the hair and can eventually cause traction alopecia. Traction alopecia is a condition of the hair where hair strands get pulled out of the scalp due to unneeded friction. Wearing tight hats for long hours or tying up a very tight pony tail can also cause damage to the cuticle, which might result in loosening up the strength of your hair. This hair issue can cause permanent damage to the hair and even lead to baldness.

3. Keep your hair trimmed on a regular basis

The only way to get rid of hair related problem is to trim off your damaged hair. Having your hair trimmed regularly will cut short the chances of developing split ends. In case you are planning to keep your hair long, make sure that you are having your hair trimmed in about every six weeks. However, cutting short your hair isn’t the only solution; you also have to ensure that your stylist is eliminating the damage to avoid the reoccurrence of split ends.

4. Stay fit and healthy

The quality of your hair is somewhat defined by the overall maintenance or health of your body. To keep your scalp healthy requires eating well, doing enough exercise, drinking plenty of water and also reducing stress from your life. If you follow a healthy lifestyle routine, the reflection will certainly be seen through a great looking and shiny hair. Always remember, staying fit and healthy will also enhance the rate of hair growth.

5. Never towel dry your hair

The main reason of damage of men’s hair is caused by towel drying. Hair is more susceptible to damage when it is wet and rubbing your hair with a towel can actually dishevel up your hair with the sturdiness of the towel. This can cause damage to the cuticle, which can later on develop the signs of hair fall, frizzy hair, and split ends. In order to dry your hair properly, you should first shake out the excess water and gently stroke your hair instead of rubbing it harshly.

6. Keep away the frizz

Your hair can become frizzy due to low contents of moisture and protein in your hair. Luckily, there are so many hair products available in the market for you to retain its moisture and protein level. A good moisturizing conditioner can minimize your problem and help keep an adequate content of moisture and protein. If you are aiming for a more shiny and smoother appearance of your hair, you can also apply a slick, smoothing serum.

7. Use right hair tools for your brushing

Now you know that your hair is most vulnerable and prone to get damaged when it is wet, it is important to be cautious while brushing or combing your hair. Most hair specialists suggest not to brush the hair when it is completely wet, rather one should wait for it to get slightly dry. However, when combing through wet hair, always use a wide toothed comb to gently untangle your hair. Furthermore, don’t use modern tools such as blow dryers or curling irons to dry off your hair because they can create further damage to the hair and its texture.

8. Keep your hair away from chemical treatments

Modern hair styling is normally associated with perming or coloring the hair, which might enhance the texture of your hair, but can also lead to serious hair problems if done repeatedly. Therefore, you should never try coloring or perming your hair at home and should always seek a professional stylist to get your hair done. Since a professional stylist will know more about your hair type than you, he/she can only choose the right products for your hair type.

9. Always use good quality shampoos or conditioners

To wash or clean your hair, always apply a good quality shampoo or conditioner to your hair. This will help get moisture and elasticity to the scalp, smoothness to the cuticle, and shine to your hair. Don’t go over the price tag while purchasing these hair products as cheaper doesn’t always mean unhealthy or expensive doesn’t always mean good quality. Therefore, select wisely.

10. Say no to hot shower!

Cold water might hit your head hard, but hot water can badly influence the strength and elasticity of your scalp and hair. Extremely hot water can strip essential oil from your hair and scalp and can even lead to dryness. So, avoid hot water and always make use of cold water for taking bath.

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