10 Hair care advice you should never follow

Hair care advice

As soon as you utter a beauty problem, you would never fall short of advice. Well, the advice might be given blindly but it should not be followed blindly. When you get an advice, think over it and sift out the beneficial from the non-effective one. This should specifically be done when the advice is given for your dull and lifeless hair. Following the hair care tips blindly, can increase the number of bad hair days. Here are a few hair care tips and advice, you should never follow.

1. Styling products should be applied before blow drying

If you have just taken a bath, its better not to apply styling products when your hair is all wet and drippy. As per experts, this will only dilute the hair products you use making their effect comparatively less. Instead blow dry your hair till its slightly moist and then apply the products followed by more of drying. But those who have short hair can quickly dry them up and directly apply styling products to their hair.

2. Use conditioner after shampooing the hair

This absolutely depends from one hair type to another. If your hair is thick and dry, then using conditioner after shampooing is perfectly alright. But if you have fine and thin hair, better results derive if you switch the steps, that is use conditioner first and then shampoo later. To add to this, you can condition your hair well and then warm it with the help of a blow drier so that the conditioner can soak in well. Before shampooing off the conditioner, it’s best to give a gap of five minutes. After the hair is shampooed they will turn out clean, bouncy and well conditioned without falling flat like the regular shampoo and conditioning course.

3. Highlights are great for dimensions that look natural

Highlights can look ugly if overused. For natural looking ideas, you can take inspiration from those who have sun kissed hair with darker roots and lighter edges. Streaky highlights look absolutely artificial and should be resisted by the most.

4. Brushing your hair with at least 100 strokes a day will be great

If you decide to turn so tough, then it’s not that difficult to imagine what incessant brushing can cause; lot of breakage. This can also make hair a lot more greasier by activating the oil glands present in the scalp. However, gentle strokes of brushing are also essential as they help move the conditioning oils present in the scalp.

5. Coloring of hair causes damage

Well, most of us will be happy to know that this is actually wrong. Though it certainly stood true around 15-20 years ago but now the highly advanced coloring products have redefined the way the process works with extra conditioning elements minus the harmful chemicals. Using gentle products can be of great help if undertaken through professionally trained hair experts or if one follows the application instructions carefully.

6. Only dry and thick hair require deep conditioning

Even if you have thin hair, you just can’t skip out on the deep conditioning part. Experts suggest that if you do not undertake deep conditioning, then your hair will become even finer. The guide to conditioning thin hair is by taking up the right product and method. A protein based conditioner is best for thin hair as it does not weigh down the hair.

7. Use a comb to detangle wet hair

Brushes are usually avoided when you have to detangle the hair, but experts believe that brushes are much easier and quicker than using a comb. The trick to minimize effort and damage is to use a leave in conditioner or a few drops of the effective argan oil to coat each hair shaft and let your brush slide easily.

8. Change your shampoo before your hair gets used to it

Many of us believe that our hair have become used to the products and hence, don’t show the kind of results that they initially did. Well, the reality actually is far from this assumption, say experts. The real reason behind lack of results is a consequence of either of these two occurrences which involve the shampoo having harsh surfactants that are drying out your hair or has ingredients that are sticking to your hair.

The only solution to bring an end to this trouble is to switch completely and take up a better product which is mild and free from surfactants. A good shampoo as per experts will never damage your hair and will keep them in their natural state irrespective of the number of washes and frequency of use. Clarifying shampoos are great to reduce the build up caused due to normal shampoos.

9. Getting your hair trimmed every six weeks is good

The truth is you are only wasting your money by going in for such frequent haircuts. The reality is that a great haircut lasts for around three months so fussing with it before this term is absolutely a waste of time and money. In order to clear out the matter, it’s important that you discuss well with your stylist about the way you manage your hair and the issues you have faced with previous cuts. A great stylist would definitely suggest ways that will help you maintain your haircut for a longer duration.

10. Go back to front when blow drying your hair

Many people and even professionals suggest that the hair should be blow dried starting from back to front. Though this method is convenient, it’s not the best to follow for the desired results. Expert stylists suggest that the front and top are important areas and hence should be styled first.

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