10 Eye shadow styles and tips

Bright and colorful eye shadow makeup

Beautiful eyes are the preeminent assets of a woman. These sensitive eyes need special care for having magnificent, glamorous and comprehensive look. You can give an explosively alluring look to your eyes by applying eye shadow in different texture and color. The selection of eye shadow color can soften or intensify your regard. No beauty routine is accomplished and finished without making your eyes coagulated and elongated by a eye shadow. For enhancing the exquisiteness and elegance of your eyes, eye shadow is a must. Simultaneously, it is also to be considered that what occasion you are making up for? What structure and shape do you possess? What is the texture of your make up product? To obtain the best output, you can apply it in the most gratifying way. The perfect package not only perks up the shape of your eyes but also create a certain mood.

Create your eyes irresistibly fluttery and let your eyes ‘pop’ with the following eye shadow tips and tricks.

1. Select the best eye shadow for you with right brand

Among the available alternatives, select the best mascara for you. Here best mascara is defined as the mascara that suits your eyes and is according to your budget. The brand that doesn’t suits you can be the cause of infection, itching, burning and discomfort to your eyes. If you have oily skins then choose waterproof eye shadow. Take care of selecting this preferably, especially when there is summer season

2. Assortment of color

Eye shadows come in containers of different shades and colors. The color combinations and shades create dramatic and darker effect to your attire. The best option is using the color that works well with the majority of complexions. You can also use the colors as a palette. Pink is the best option for summer after days or school days. For a natural daytime look, use neutral brown color. Use shimmery base color for small eyes. Lift your mature eyes up with light color. Light and shimmering touch with silver is a flattering casual eye shadow idea for teens. Apply contouring and matte eye shadow for protruding eyes.

3. Eye shadow according to eye color

For hazel eyes, try neutral, pale yellow or green color. For natural appearance use purple or gold and perk your eyes with shimmery effect. If you are blessed with blue eyes, then warm tone colors are the best option for you. Deep and cool colors or silver-gray color will also work wonder. Enhance the beauty of your brown eyes with gold, green and bronzes. These colors will intensify the brightness of your eyes. Complement your green eyes with brown and purple traces.

4. Apply eye shadow according to shape

Firstly, select the right shape for you; apply rounded shading shape to one eye and winged shading shape to the other eye. If the bone of your brow is curved around the eye then you should go for rounded shading shape and if your skin is firm and your corner-eye skin is not sagging then you can go for wing shading shape.

5. Correct way of applying eye shadow

For hooded and old eyes, apply “round the shading” technique. For young deep eyes, apply “wing the shading” technique. In all the cases be sure about shading the crease of the eyes. Use free and light handed flow to apply eye shadow. For the perfect and complete look, start from light and then go darker. Apply the lightest base color or primer to the complete eye and then brush medium lid color and then darkest highlighter.

6. Type of foundation

For super cool look, base is an imperative tool to use. It facilitates a durable makeup that stays for long time. Apply Urban Decay Primer potion and sweep dior shadow over it. Select the matching shade and appropriate highlighter according to the shape of your eyelid.

7. Particular look for certain occasion

Apply a medium-sharp base for rapid makeup fix; double color-combinational shadow for sophisticated look and four color-coordinated shadows for classy or urbane dusk makeup.

8.Type of brush for application

Expunge the unwanted excess lines through a yielding or squashy thick rounded brush and blend precisely through a bouncy straight brush.

9. Blink cautiously while using liquid eye shadow

Avoid blinking your eyes again and again. Give the break of 5 seconds. Before starting blinking normally, make it sure that eye shadow is not wet and will not spread. Wait till your eye shadow gets dry. Skipping this step can give dots to your upper-eye skin and can be a cause of embarrassment.

10. Be cautious about hygiene

Do not share your make up brushes with anyone. While cleaning your other make-up tools, wash the wand in a cap that is full of make-up remover and use soap to wash it and then dry it. Store your make up tools and stuff at a dry and cool place.

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