Does waxing eyebrows cause similar pain and problems as plucking does?

I am 13 years old, and I was thinking of waxing my eyebrows on this birthday. Although, I would be getting it done by a professional, I want to know if it hurts more than plucking does! Actually, I have tried plucking my eyebrows 2 weeks, ago, and it did hurt a lot, that I had to leave it as it is. Fortunately, my leaves are on, and I don’t have to go outside, and moreover, hair has started coming around my brows well. Nonetheless, I want to know if waxing hurts equally bad as plucking, or it goes rather mild! In addition, does the area around eyes get red and puffy for long, as mine did when I tried plucking? If it does, how much time does it take in soothing? Please somebody help me with an appropriate advice! I shall be thankful to you!

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