Getting tousled hair includes series of steps. These steps may be difficult and may need assistance. Tousling your hair at home is not that a complex task provided that you have professional equipment needed. Beautiful hairstyle can be made out of hair of any length. All that you need is some hair products, blow dryers, a curling iron of appropriate size and some pins to hold your hair. You can convert your hair into shiny, smooth and piecey waves. Do read all the steps before going through any of them.
We will see steps included in the whole procedure, but let us go through some important points that you should know about.
Complexity level:
Itâs is not that hard to do. You just need some makeup skills that you should be having as a female. Yes you may need help of someone who can give you a hand at work. You may face complexity in making curls around your face. Rest is not that complex as you can manage it to do by yourself.
Time required:
Time depend upon your accuracy and speed. It also depends on your quality of hair. If your hair are straight they will take longer time to tousle than that of regular hair.
Estimated cost:
The total cost depends on the shampoo, equipments and conditioner one may be using in the whole procedure. The main point here is itâs not so costly that one cannot afford. So itâs your matter of choice how much do you want to spend on your hair.
Resources required:
Mainly you will need a good quality shampoo, a conditioner, a hair dryer, a hair brush, hair gel. If your hair are straight by nature you may need barrel curlers and hair spray if required.
Step 1
First step includes washing your hair, because it is necessary to clean your hair before any processing over them. Use a good quality shampoo and be sure that shampoo you are using is compatible with your hair type and quality.
Step 2
Condition your hair after washing with a good quality shampoo. Condition them deeply till the depth of your hairs. Also allow the conditioner to settle and saturate your scalp. Rinse the conditioner off with warm water.
Step 3
Third step includes drying your hair. Dry your hair and try to maintain the natural curls. Dry them by leaning forward and then scrunch them so that they can get little curvy. And you can get curls and tousles.
Step 4
After drying get your hair in normal position and apply hair gel on them, Take gel on one palm spread it over other and then evenly on both. Apply gently on hair. Make sure that you apply all over your hair from root to the tips of your single hair. Now again start scrunching your hair as per your need to get desired shape of tousle and keep doing this till you are convinced with your style.
Step 5
For straight hair you need do some extra effort. You need Barrel Curlers for introducing waves to your hair. Roll your hair against barrels and let them settle for some time. Once you feel that hair are set now remove barrels and apply gel all over your hair as per requirement. Do not use brush, use your fingers instead as they does not affect the curls.
Step 6
Step six includes maintaining tousles. To maintain your tousles always keep hair gel with you and apply it whenever you feel that tousle is vanishing. Try to manage your hair with your hands and fingers and scrunch them when you feel the need. A hair spray can be a better option for maintenance of tousles. Use gel to maintain frizz.
Frequently asked questions:
Question: Is this safe?
Answer: It is safe as far as you follow proper instructions and does not over do it.
Question. Which kind of shampoo should be used?
Answer: Use any shampoo of good quality that supports your hair.
Question: Which hair spray can be used?
Answer: Any hair spray can be used, But better if you use air controlled ones as they increase life of your curls.
Quick tips:
Use tools those are certified, make sure that you do not damage your hair in a hurry. You can visit any nearest saloon for advice. You can collect information about best product and equipment online. Know about your hair quality and try safe things on them.