Top 10 Winter Skin Care Tips

Skin Care in Winter

The weather is turning colder and dreary as winter is approaching. And for most of us, it is the most challenging season of all. No matter what we try, beauty related issues such as dryness of the skin- be it the face, hands or the skin, always emerge as the discontent to our regular lifestyle. Sometimes, these issues often go beyond dryness of the skin and even turn into flaking and eczema. To discard such problems, slathering on moisturizer isn’t the only solution. If like most of us, you also normally struggle for a healthy skin throughout the winter, then simply follow these basic rules and your skin will stay smooth and healthy just like the spring!

1. Ask your specialist.

Seek an esthetician or dermatologist for better advice instead of trusting any inexperienced salesperson of your local drugstore. Since a professional will actually examine and analyze your skin type, only they can suggest you skin care products that are boon for your skin health and not some random people, you meet at store. But, remember inexpensive skin products are equally workable like the expensive ones. So, rather splurging money on high end products, believe that they are costly and will eventually respond great with your skin that is sheer stupidity. What matters the most is how your skin feels and not how much you have paid for it.

2. Slather on the moisturizer.

Unlike spring and summer, winter is slightly different with its weather. Therefore, you need to invest more on your moisturizer. Look for an “ointment” moisturizer, which is oil based as the oil will help create protective layer on your skin that lingers for long hours as compared to the water-based cream or lotion. However, you must choose wisely as the quantity of oil must also complement your skin type. Prefer non-clogging oils such as avocado oil or almond oil over Shea or butter oil.

3. Use your sunscreen.

Many of you might be awestruck to hear the term “sunscreen” as we are here talking about winter season. But to your surprise, winter sun plus the snow glare is still capable of damaging your skin and so you should always apply enough sunscreen to your exposed body parts before heading out. Use the broad-spectrum sunscreen on you face and exposed hands or feet for about thirty minutes. Don’t forget to reapply it over and over again, if staying out for long hours.

4. Take care of your hands.

While most of us only care about the skin of our face, it is the hands that should be taken care of more appropriately. Because the skin of hand is thinner and also possesses fewer oil glands, it is recommended to wear gloves to avoid irritation or itchiness. Avoid cotton gloves and always wear wool gloves as they absorb moisture and often stay wet.

5. Don’t go on myth.

You might have heard that how much you drink actually reflects through your skin i.e. the more you drink, the more young your skin will appear. But, that is entirely a misconception. So, it is essential that you drink only for your health and not for your skin. Water is definitely helpful for our overall health but it hardly influences our skin as the dehydrated skin only benefits from the fluids.

6. Avoid anything that is wet.

It is very important to keep your skin away during winter from any sort of wet stuff, especially socks and gloves as this might cause cracking, itching, sores or even break open your eczema. Another important winter rule is to never leave house with the wet hair because the winter cold can damage your scalp and loosen up the strength of your hair. So, as important as it to take care of the skin that is visible, it is equally necessary to take care of your scalp during winter to prevent you hair form an easy break off.

7. Make use of humidifier.

Adequate heat and moisture can be really useful for your skin. Humidifier attracts more moisture from the air and helps prevent your skin from drying or moistening out. You could also hook up more small humidifiers for the even dispersion of the moisture throughout your house or office.

8. Opt for stronger feet lotions than regular summer creams.

Look for lotions that contain petroleum jelly or maybe glycerine. And, also use exfoliants every now and often for taking the dead cells off your skin. This will help your skin to moisturize faster and deeper.

9. Use peels for the healthier skin.

In case your facial skin is abnormally dry, then you should use a cleansing milk or a balmy cleanser that draws moisture out of your facial skin. Harsh peels, alcohol based toners or clay based astringents should never be used for the skin that is uncomfortably dry.

10. Stay away from extremely hot water.

During winter, soaking in a burning hot bath is something that always generates enthusiasm. But do you know that the intense heat of hot bath or shower will not only break down capillaries, but will actually conk out the lipid barriers in the skin? Yes, it is true and this can eventually cause the loss of moisture from the skin. Therefore, you should take bathe for shorter period of time and always in the warm water. You could also add a few drops of oatmeal or baking soda to help relive skin. Some also add a few drops of Jojoba or almond oil to nourish and moisten their dry skin.

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