Tips to make your manicure last longer

Last longer manicure

Manicure is necessary in order to retain the health and shine of nails. It is a healthy practice too, as your nails are cleared of dirt inside them and therefore, possible chances of contamination. Manicure can be done at home or in a parlor too. It is just the fact that you have to be aware of the techniques involved in the same. But, when you have a manicure done it costs quite a lot of bucks. The most pathetic part of it is that the fingers and nails tend to develop a worn out look, within just a few days of manicure, owing to chip nails, dark knuckles and flaking nail varnish etc. Thus, whenever you spend money on a lavish manicure, you might wonder if there could be any way to make it retain longer. Here are a few tips that will help to make your manicure stay longer.

1. Avoid pushing back dry cuticles

One of the most common practices women do in order to get clean nails, on which application of nail color looks smoother, is that they push back their dry cuticles. This is a very faulty practice as the nail color at the base of the nails tends to crack as a consequence. If you really wish to have clean nails, yet prevent cracking of nail color, then push back the cuticles only when they are soft. This can only be done if you massage cuticle softening cream on the ragged edges and the dry cuticles, massage them well and gently push them back with orange stick, prior to the application of nail polish.

2. Avoid soaking nails in water

Many parlors often suggest that soaking nails in cold water speed up the drying process of the nail colors on them. This might appear to be a short cut method to dry out your nail polish, but it also reduces the longevity of the same. Soaking the nails in water lead them to soak water, which makes them puff up. But, as they dry out gradually, the water inside them evaporates, making them totally dry. This is the time the nail color faces contraction. Therefore, this contraction and relaxation makes the crack and chip. So the best method is to allow nail colors to dry out naturally.

3. Get a smooth surface

If you look carefully, you might find that most of the times dust speckles or moisture or left over nail polish underneath the newly applied nail color that tends to chip and peel off more quickly than that applied on a smooth surface. Thus, next time you apply nail varnish, remove the old nail polish carefully. Further, use a soft brush and hand soap and gently rub the surface of the nails so dirt, oil, etc. gets removed. Finally, dry out the nails well with a towel and then apply the new nail color. This will help your nail color stay longer.

4. Filing the nails is a healthy practice

It is an expert advice that women must file their nails and not clip them. Clipping the nails might crack the nail plate. On the other hand, filing shapes up the nails in a perfect way without chipping them off. But, while you file your nails, you must always pay attention that the filer must be a fine- grit one and filing must be done in one direction only, instead of backward and forward movement, as otherwise delicate keratin layers of the nails might peel off.

5. A protective base coat is helpful

It is always wise to apply a protective base color on the clear nails prior to the application of the final nail varnish. This base keeps the nails hydrated and smooth by making the rough edges and uneven surfaces become even. Thus, when the nail varnish is finally applied on to it, the color holds on better and stays more.

6. A top coat works great

As you are asked to apply a base coat to smoothen the uneven edges, a top coat is another such layer of protection that will make the nail color stay more. It will not let the color come into contact with water, detergents, food, etc. form a barrier. Thus, the chances of flaking and chipping of nail color will get reduced considerably. But while choosing the top coat, ensure that you go for the slow drying one as that will leave a harder and a more protective coating over the surface of your nails.

7. Choose the nail color wisely

Choosing the right nail color is also a clever way to ensure the longevity of your manicure. If you opt for a nail color that is in bright color or has a darker shade, then the flakes and chipping is more visible. But in cases of lighter colors or metallic shades, the flakes and peels of the nail color will not be visible to that extent. So, choose your nail color wisely.

8. Apply thin coats of nail color

If you reapply coats after coats of nail color, then it is inevitable that your nail color will crack. The technique for applying nail color must be methodical. First, apply a thin coat throughout the central part of your nails, starting from the base to the tips. Follow it with two other such coats on two other sides of the central coat. Allow this primary coat to dry by allowing a time of two minutes. Then, if you wish you can apply the second coat, in the similar fashion.

9. Avoid dehydration of nails

Keeping the nail color hydrated and moisturized also prevents quick flaking and peeling of nail color as dehydrated color leaves the nails. Therefore, always invest some time during your bedtime, to rub in some vegetable oil onto the nails and around the cuticles and massage in gently. Together with it, never fail to use a thick hand and nail cream twice a day to aid the process of moisturization of your nails, cuticles and locking in moisture in your nail color.

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