Everything you need to know about Rhinoplasty

Nose Job

These days, with advanced technologies due to surgical changes it is not possible to enhance the remaining facial features and highlight the individual’s unique and natural facial beauty. Nose job also known as rhinoplasty is one such popular surgery which is opted by many people. Nose is considered as one best feature in the face which even overshadows eyes sometimes. It is that part which should look good on face and must be prominent with rest of the face. Many people decide to perform such surgery to improve their nose looks. As per research, nose surgery is considered as the second popular cosmetic surgical process.

What is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is a surgical process which is performed for improving the appreance or functioning of person’s nose. With this surgical process, you can increase or reduce the size of person nose or can even bring changes in the shape. The word Rhinoplasty was derived from Greek word ‘rhinos’ which also meant nose and ‘plasty’ mean to get in shape. This process is also called as nose reshaping or nose job.

Such surgery is efficient enough to bring changes in the shape of tip or narrow the span of nostrils. It is also efficient in setting the angle of your nose and upper lip. Such surgery can correct the unpleasing or disaster looking nose or may be other factors like injury due to accidents, birth defects or breathing problem.

The procedure

1. This surgery is usually done with an outpatient process with the help of local or general anesthesia. Once the process gets over, patient is kept under observation for a day or two but needs 1 week to get recovered completely.

2. The process starts by administrating anesthesia. This surgery is performed either under section IV sedation also known local anesthesia or general anesthesia. The anesthesia is gives as per the recommendation of surgeon.

3. Most of this Rhinoplasty process is closed process where only incisions are made on the inner side of the nose. Due to this, patient’s does not get any visible scars. However such incisions can be exterior sometimes under nose or at the nostrils side, where huge work is done on the tips of the nasal or at the time when nostril shape can be changed.

4. In very rare cases, the bridge of nose needs to get narrowed for which the bones of nose need to be broken. Doctors do this with help of hammer and certain chisel instrument. In some case bones is planed down with particular instrument so that hump can be removed. Sometimes bones are not altered, but the cartilage pieces are rearranged. During such time the inner structure of nose is straightened repaired.

5. Once the proper changes are made in the structure of nose, the next step comes is removal of excess skin. If nostrils are made narrow, the long nasal tip is made small; the excess skin will be removed.

6. Once the incision process is done, your doctor will close the incision with exterior dressing and place gauze packing and look for things that can help in healing process along with controlling swelling problem.

Pre operative care

1. Before starting with the process, your surgeon will perform certain lab test for knowing the health status.

2. Your surgeon will ask you to adjust the start or start taking some medicines in a week or two before the surgery begins.

3. You will have to avoid aspirin and herbal supplements. You also have to be careful while taking any anti-inflammatory drugs 2 weeks before the surgery.

4. You have to strictly follow the diet advised by your doctor

5. Stop having spicy things which can increase bleeding problem. You can consult your surgeon about it.

Post operative care

Such type of surgery is usually performed on the basis of outpatient.

1. Once the surgery is done, you have taken extreme care of nose. You have to pack it with sterile gauze and your nose will be fitted to splint so that it can hold bones and for better positing a new cartilage will attached till the healing process gets finished.

2. The splint attached to the nose will be taken off after one week or so.

3. You may notice swelling or experience bruising around your eyes or at the cheeks. If you don’t have dissolvable sutures, your health care will take off your sutures in after 2- 3 regular checkup. Usually it is take out after 3-7 days after the surgery.

4. You will notice swelling getting subsided in 2-3 days after the sutures are removed.

5. If you find some pain or swelling, apply a cold pack on your nose for at least 48 hours. This will lessen down excess swelling.

The complications

The possible risks and complications that are common in this surgery are blood clots, unfavorable scarring, skin discoloration, changes in sensation, skin loss, intense itching, unsatisfactory aesthetic results, persistent edema, skin contour irregularities, swelling, breathing problems and the need for additional surgery.

Most of times cosmetic surgeries fail to perform successfully as it will take time to heal. Accordingly you will have to adjust with a new look. You have to ensure that you completely understand the prices of agreeing to such surgery.

The upsides

The best part of opting for such surgery is that humps get removed and nose comes in proper size, angle and shape. The definition of the nose tip can be also changed.

If a person has some breathing problem due to deviated septum, the nose job can correct it.

Another advantage is that you can improve your physical appearance and can feel more confident about it. Whether during change of career path or whether in physical interactions, you get the feeling of confidence.

It helps in highlighting the natural appearance of nose with balance and harmony and can enhance the eyes beauty.

The downsides

Even if such surgery is safe however, it has some side effects. The common side effects are

1. Bruising

2. Numbness

3. Swelling

4. Tingling sensation

If you notice any such effects you are advised to talk to your doctor.

Final note

Usually such type of surgery is completely safe to don. It is generally done on normal nose so that shape of nose can be improved and your appreance can look better. It also minimized or increases the nose size depending on how it can suit your face. Your surgeon will guide you and tell you about the entire process before starting with it. Make sure you talk to him about the benefits and disadvantages that you can face and accordingly make your decisions.

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