Recommended anti aging skin care routine

Skin care routine for anti aging skin

Skin care regime is important in every age. Till your skin doesn’t show any sign of aging, it needs normal skin care regime like cleansing, toning, and moisturizing. An aging skin is one which is prone to wrinkles, fine lines, and pigmentation. As your skin start showing sign of wrinkles and pigmentation, you should start taking care of it and alter your regime according to the age and needs of the skin. Let us see what are the special needs and what skin care routine should be followed for aging skin:

Needs of aging skin

As you age, you skin start losing tightening effect. It is due to reduction of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. An aging skin needs special attention and care. It needs special moisturizers with active ingredients which provide elasticity and reduce wrinkles. There are numbers of anti aging creams and moisturizers available in market. One should choose them according to their skin need.

Daily skin care routine

Cleansing, toning and moisturizing are the essential skin care routine. It should be followed as normal skin but the products which should be used must contain special active ingredients like salicylic acid and alpha hydroxy acids.

a. Cleansing: In morning wash your face with a gentle cleanser. Ensure that cleanser must contain salicylic acid or alpha hydroxy acids. Alpha hydroxy acids help to prevent fine line and wrinkles while salicylic acid sooth the skin. If your skin is dry then use creamy moisturizing cleanser. And if it is oily then use foaming cleanser.

b. Toning: After cleansing apply toner on your face with a cotton ball. Toner should not make your skin too dry. Toner which contains aloe Vera, green tea or any other herbal ingredient works best for anti aging skin. Toner helps to absorb moisturizer well into skin and keep it there for long time. It also removes dirt or excess oil from face.

c. Moisturizing: After toning, moisturizer which contains SPF should be applied. It protects your skin from harsh effects of sun rays and prevents pigmentation. In night same procedure of cleansing and toning should be applied.

d. Night Cream: Use anti aging night cream instead of moisturizer in night. If you have dark circles, apply under eye cream and massage for few minutes. You can also use Vitamin E oil or almond oil under eye to cure dark circles. Do not leave under eye cream or oil for over night. Massage and wipe off.

Weekly skin care routine

Your skin makes new cells every 2-3 days and dead cells accumulate on the above layer of skin. These dead cells make skin look dull, pigmented, and dry. Use a good mild scrubber to remove these dead cells. Take some scrubber and apply it on your face. Scrub gently in circular motion for few minutes. Give special attention to nose, forehead, and chin. Apply face pack after scrubbing. Egg face mask will be the best as it gives skin a tightening effect and thereby reduce wrinkles and fine lines. Mix one egg with half tablespoon of honey and apply on face. Remove the mask when dry. Apply moisturizer after this.

Monthly Skin care routine

Go to parlor and get massage every 15 days or once a month. Take vitamin E oil massage. Massage soothe the skin and reduce fine lines. It tightens the skin. Take a deep herbal facial massage once a month. Chemical peel, microderm abrasion are some of the skin treatment which are specially meant for aging skin. These can also be taken by a specialist. This will reduce the pigmentation, scars, and fine lines from your skin by removing the dead cells from the deep layer of skin.

Quick skin care tips for aging skin

1. Use products which contain retinol, Vitamin e, Vitamin A, salicylic acid, and alpha hydroxy acid.

2. Honey works as anti aging product. Apply raw honey after every 2-3 days on face. Mix honey in warm water and drink every morning.

3. Do not use products which contain alcohol, dioxane, and parabens.

4. Include fresh fruits in your regular diet.

5. Include green vegetables, pulses, beans, egg, milk, and nuts in your diet.

6. Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water daily. This will keeps skin hydrated and remove toxins from body.

7. Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, junk food, and oily food. They will make skin more prone to wrinkles, and pigmentation before time.

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