Would using Queen Helene mint julep masque make my skin even more dry?

I knew nothing of Queen Helene mint julep masque until I stayed at my cousin’s home for one night, as she was alone and my aunt wanted me to stay with her for the night. I have dry skin, and I just use a mild face wash for my skin every day, and an occasional face massage at the salon! However, my cousin slept wearing the masque and she washed it off the next morning. I could really notice the change in her skin, as there was no skin blemish sign on her face. She didn’t even complain of dry skin! I wanted to know from some skin expert whether you would recommend to me as well, though I would not keep it overnight, but just as a regular skin masque! Would it dry my skin even more? I would love to hear some useful advice from you guys at the earliest!

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