What your nail paint says about you

Nail paints

The sun-sign under which a person is born is used to predict the personality and characteristics of the person. Now, the same can be done based on the nail paint that a person dons. Color has always been a strong indicator of character and given here are 13 paint colors that one may choose and what they say about her.

  1. Red
    This is the color of passion, aggression and impulsiveness. It is chosen by those with an adventurous streak with a lot of ambition. They hate monotony and are always restless for action. This makes it hard for them to be objective about things. If a quiet person wears red, it means that she hides her exuberant interior under a serious outward expression.
  2. Pink
    This is a lighter shade of red and it indicates the lighter shades of the red qualities. Thus, it embodies love instead of passion and nurturing instead of aggression. Those who wear it may want to appear fragile, delicate and tender. They seek security and love at all levels.
  3. Green
    A color of prosperity and well being, green shows contentment and a sense of satisfaction. On the darker side, it could also mean envy and jealousy. Another meaning has emerged for the users of green – it means that they support environmentally friendly goods, activities and lifestyles.
  4. Maroon
    Though this is a darker shade of red and represents a personality that is almost similar to the one in red, it does not mean that those traits get exhibited in a darker form! It means that the person has matured and is thus friendly, generous and kind. It is also the favorite color of those who have fought and struggled to come up successful in life.
  5. Purple
    The individuals wearing purple can be considered as arty and creative. They are true people and have a need to be seen as uniquely different from others. They are witty and sensitive. This makes them aloof and temperamental and their sarcasm could be biting.
  6. Navy Blue
    Most of the uniforms have some part in this color for it represents discipline and sophistication. The people using this show dignity and tolerance. The color also is way for the person to demand attention for she is in charge! It is worn by people in authority and those wanting to be there too.
  7. Neon
    Just like the color, these personalities are just way different from the rest. They want to be flashy and showy. They also seek free expression of themselves (whether appreciated or not!) These people are convinced they are hip and mod and try to do things the radical way. They usually have high self confidence.
  8. Brown
    People sporting brown are usually conservative and reserved yet dependable and steady. Like the earth which has the same colors, they have great patience and stamina. They are determined and are great plodders. These positive traits could also exhibit as stubbornness and tactlessness. Whatever be the case, they are reliable and love responsibilities.
  9. Orange/Peach
    This buoyant and flamboyant color represents such personalities. They like to be noticed and get noticed too! Often, these people are popular among their peers and friends. These are dramatic personalities and life with them will never be the same and monotonous. The color also symbolizes youth, fearlessness and strength.
  10. Black
    Black signifies dignity and grace without making a big show about it. The people who don this color prefer to have an air of mystery about them. At the same time, it could mean an altogether different thing. Black is suggestive of secret desires, suppression and inner longings.
  11. Metallic colors
    These are the natural choice for those that love glitter in life. They like the sparkle of gold, diamonds and jewelry. It also means that these people have an appreciation of the arts and they love to enjoy the finer things in life.
  12. Lavender
    This color signifies a person who is serene and cool. Such people do not lose presence of mind and their calm in tense and tough situations. Thus, they are usually creative, charming and witty. Lavender could also symbolize people who love to dress well and neat. They also enjoy the finer aspects of life.
  13. White
    These people are similar to those that wear black in the sense that you cannot say much about them. They prefer to be like a canvas waiting for the world to paint its colors on them. They may be indecisive people who would not want to make a commitment.

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