Makeup tips according to face shape

Makeup tips according to face shape

If you want to make the most of your body, then dressing according to your body shape is vital. The same rule applies even for your face. What we want to say is that being aware of makeup trends is not sufficient, you also need to highlight your features which can be achieved only by considering your face shape. You can become your own makeup artist simply by identifying your face shape and following certain tips.

1. Round face

Not many women are a great admirer of round face because of the fact that no round face appears smaller than other types, but also cheeks look bigger, and often chin is so curved that it may appear that it is not there. However, if you have a round face, large forehead and full cheeks, then you might even consider yourself lucky because it is very likely that you will appear younger in your old age than most of your friends who have an angular face. Also, with few simple tricks you can adapt your make up to your face shape in order to give it balance and structure. For achieving an elongation effect, it is very important to emphasize on the face, lighting up the chin and forehead. Smokey eyes makeup will make your eye look small, so it is better to avoid them. Using a brush, apply highlighter under your eyes and all around your mouth so that your features stand out more by diffusing light. Even out your complexion by applying liquid foundation using a flat brush. A slick of red lip gloss and eye brow pencils further elongates your face by giving it an added height.

2. Triangular face

You have a classic and very feminine triangular face if you have chiselled cheekbones and slightly pointed chin. Triangular face is considered to be ‘almost’ perfect, therefore, not much efforts are required from your side. You already have a fine featured, chiselled face, you just require a bit of added volume to make you stand out of the ordinary. With simple makeup tips, you can easily enhance your best bits and even out your features. You need to play with shadow because triangular faces already capture the light. You must apply a light foundation on your face and then sweep bronzing power over it using a brush, make sure that the base is even. Use a highlighter to light up your eyes just above the tops of your cheeks. In case of eye makeup, you have too keep in mind that you don’t go over the top. Natural lips give you the final touch of perfection. Apply a light reflecting gloss and use a touch of rosy color on the center of your lower lips.

3. Rectangular face

A classic rectangular face is identified by a square forehead and a strong jaw. In case you are having a rectangular face, then makeup strategies largely focuses upon softening the angular features. The best way of flattering these angular features is to round them by using tricks of light. The curved features will make your face appear more womanly. Go for a liquid foundation, starting in the center and spreading outwards. Sweeping on a bit of highlighter with a brush under your eyes and where your face begins will help you in creating a light effect. Play with light to round your face using a blusher which is slightly darker than your skin. The blusher must be applied in small amounts, starting from your ears to your cheeks. You must try adding a little color on your forehead. Use a pencil, to define the natural shape of your brows.Give your makeup the finishing touch by applying a very natural shade of gloss.

4. Oval face

The oval face comes from perfect symmetry, so you must consider yourself lucky. You have a number of variations in terms of makeup ranging from intense and nude to contrast and smokey eyes. However, you have to take some factors into account like the size of your lips, nose or eyes while going for a particular style. You have to make sure that your makeup primarily focuses upon emphasizing the features and not on hiding or modifying them. Using two shades of foundation is somewhat compulsory, the darker one is for the lower half cheeks and temples including chin to contour your face, whereas, the foundation which is more open must be applied on the entire face. Take proper care at overlapping these shades in order to avoid the mask effect.

5. Square face

In case of a square face, the forehead is about the same length as the jaw line. As far as the makeup is concerned, you must lay emphasis upon forehead, chin and under eye area, also the framing of your face with darker foundation will be in the jaw and temples area. Emphasizing your cheeks with blush helps you a lot in distracting attention from the square area. Overall, what you need to do is to concentrate on your face, thus creating a feeling of expansion of the cheeks.

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