Are Design essentials hair products suitable for my young daughter’s natural hair?

My 9 years old daughter has light brown hair, and her tresses are extremely long. It runs down below her waistline. So far, I have been using Garnier for kids on her hair, but lately her hair fall has been excessive, and I am really worried about her hair. I have heard a lot about Design essentials hair products and I want to know from some hair expert whether I can use that on her hair as well. I generally use Garnier shampoo and conditioner for my hair, but I haven’t used it on her hair yet. I came to know about the hair products when I went to a spa few days ago, and the people at spa were using this product on their client’s hair. I would like to know about the efficacy of Design essentials hair products on small girls’ hair like mine. Can you please help? Thanks.

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