Blast off the Unwanted Tires

Your favourite wedding dress has now become nothing more than a cherished possession, right. Those unwanted layers have ruined it all. You think you can do nothing about it? No dear! It’s never too late. Firstly, you need to stop comparing yourself with the size zero figures you see on the screen. Your body does need some fat. Fats are stored in two ways by our body:

  • Subcutaneous fat: This is the visible fat stored under the skin. In the buttocks, abdomen, hips and thighs. This is the unwanted guest that everyone tries to get rid of.
  • Visceral fat: This fat cannot be noticed from outside as it is stored deep inside the body. It is stored in the pelvis, chest, abdomen and around the vital organs (liver, lungs, heart, etc)

Well, the more information you gather on fats, it always seems so less. Let us see what we can do to lose the unwanted tires instead!

Count your calories:

Count what you eat! Unless your calorie consumption is restricted, you cannot lose belly fat. To lose one pound, you need a deficit of 3700 calories. You are left with two options: either to burn off the calories through exercise or eat less. It is not advisable to lose more than two pounds per week. Make it a point to consume at least 2200 calories per day. Keep a track of your calorie intake in a food diary.

Speed up your metabolism:

It is very important to have a healthy breakfast. Studies say that a healthy breakfast keeps the insulin level steady and lowers the LDL cholesterol levels. It is advisable to include proteins and high-fiber foods in the breakfast since they require more processing time. Include fresh vegetables, fruits, eggs, etc in the breakfast. Replace refined grains with whole grains. Drinking water helps flush out toxins from your body. So make it a point to have at least 64 ounces of water everyday. Apart from diet, proper rest is also important. On an average, an adult requires at least 7 hour sleep everyday.

Proper Exercise:

Aerobics not only burn more fats than traditional exercises, it is the only kind of exercise that burn fat directly. You can choose from indoor cycling, spinning, jump rope, running, jogging, tai chi, yoga, etc. Bridge does not only reduce fats but it also strengthens the abs, glutes and the lower back. Squats help to maintain and strengthen the lower body. It is very necessary to take some time out to rest between the exercises. It helps increase the metabolism, thus burning fats at a faster rate.

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