Community Writer |

Global community of social leaders and writers is a social network initiative by Dr Prem |, the social community platform allows writers and experts to share their opinion with the world. Join us at

what are Keratin Hair Treatment Dangers?

In my early years that is twenty five i had studied that keratin was really helpful in hair growth and that it helps in production of i gave my  daughten foods that were rich in keratin .but then i had thought that excess of everything can

is Enjoy Shampoo sulfate free?

I am very careful about how i treat my hair and that has to be really nice and enjoyable and not a tiring or a lengthy processs for me as i dont like putting the shampoos that have the usage of chemicals in it and that is sulfate when i asked m

how long does Eyebrow Tinting take to set in?

when i have such a well rounded sweet face with all the features gifted to me by god it is surprising that how my eyebrows have turned up .i have light golden hair which looks good on me but then it is my eyebrow that are faded and seem as they dont ex

what Vichy Cosmetics sell?

 I always had a desire of using cosmetics  from europe and as i had heard a lot about them and that how well they were quality wise .so when i asked my cousin who was living in paris that what do i need to do if i want to use european branded

tell me about Ookisa Reviews?

I have been wanting to thicken my hair and i was really worried about the fact that if it goes on like this i will lose my hair and then will go bald one since it is not too late  i asked my brother as to what i could do  and then he

what is the treatment for Marionette Lines?

I am a thirty two year old woman and look very young,smart and beautiful.but then since i am so critical of my looks the appearance of Marionette Lines on my face have raised a concerm within me  as to how ugly they look on me and that i want

names of Best Shampoos?

there are a lot of shampoos i have used in my hair but with no effect whatsoever .it has only made my hair more drier day by day that whenever i comb it to tie it in a  plait it always happens that my hair seems to come out and looks as if it cann

6 Beauty mistakes that make you look older

Makeup is one thing, which every woman swears by; it not only brings out the best of you, but also covers up all your negative attributes. Doing makeup in the right way is an art and with practice you will achieve perfection. It is very important to use p

how does Li Lash help in eyelash to become fuller?

It happens with me all the time that when i put the eye make up ,that somewhere it feels incomplete .so when i asked my friend what was it that made my eye make up not so successful and then she told me that it could me by eyelashes that appear small a

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