Community Writer |

Global community of social leaders and writers is a social network initiative by Dr Prem |, the social community platform allows writers and experts to share their opinion with the world. Join us at

speciality of a Mommy Wig?

 It is surprising but then i have lost all my hair and  now i am left with a bald that keeps on does not at all suit my face and makes me look so eg shaped  and results in a complete mismatch .it has been three weeks since i h

Miss Delaware 2010??

I live in delaware and last week i was out on a vacation to the hawaii islands which was very exciting and thrilling as i had always dreamed of visiting husband then told me that i had missed to see Miss Delaware 2010 and that nice it w

what can cure Scalp Pain?

It was last year that i had started losing my hair and it now there is a bald patch that can be seen behind my head that is evident of that faxt.and i realized it was really late before i could mend it.that hair loss phenomenon has now resulted in seve

Olux for skin irritation?

my skin aways has a defect that makes me avoid where any kind of short sleeved dresses or spagetti tops.because if i wear these ,i will start itching myself due to which there are red spots on my skin and i know its not because of any mosquitoe bite, a

quick fix for Stress Rash?

whenever i have a fight with my sister  or with any of my loved ones i have this nervous or anxiety pangs that result in Stress Rash on my skin .and then you can see red rashes all printed over my face ,but  then again when my stress lev

where do you get Red Wigs?

 I had black wavy hair before i lost all of my hair and now i am left with baldness as all my hair fell and now i have to conceal my bald head with the help of a desert hat.but then for how long will this happen,as i have an important delegation t

how do i apply the Kool Aid Hair Dye?

I am thirteen year old boy and i have always this obccession with looking as trendy as possible and keep on doing makeovers on myself and so this time i decided that i will do a makeover of my hair and make all my friends head turn.i want to color my h

Alopecia In Children curable?

I am a twelve year old who has been facing problems of loosing hair from her scalp ,body and legs and it is worrying me as it is normal in my age to have hair but the reverse is occuring with scares me to think that i can go bald  like this

what triggers Alopecia In Women?

when i came from my mothers anniversary the other day ,i was combing my hair at night i noticed that my hair was falling and that me fret.and i could see my hair line receding from the  forehead a a large part of my forehead was now visible,that m

deodorant stone anyone used it?

Has any one used a deodorant stone before. I never knew such a thing existed. would you reccomend using it. and please tell me what it is exactly, and how does it work and how will it help me from a normal deodorant. is it rewadily available in a place li

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