Community Writer |

Global community of social leaders and writers is a social network initiative by Dr Prem |, the social community platform allows writers and experts to share their opinion with the world. Join us at

I want to know about the natural skin care products for dry skin?

I have dry skin and I want to know what all natural skin care products are there that I can use. I don’t want to have white patch on my face after using any cream so I decided to try natural skin care products. Please tell me what are the products that

Can anyone tell me about green plus?

I am trying to get over my weight and my dad told that his friend has started taking green plus which has helped him a lot to lose weight. I want to know that if I will use it will it really help me to lose weight or it is just for some specific age group

Can anyone tell me about new makeup trends for spring season?

I am 23 and as the spring season is coming I want to know what are the makeup trends for spring? As I usually don’t use much makeup so I was wondering if someone could also give me some tips on how to apply makeup and please tell me what should I do to

Please tell me the best rose hip seed oil for acne scars?

I am 21 and I read online things about rosehip seed oil and I read really good reviews on it and I want to try it. I wanted to buy it online. I just have no idea which one to buy because there are so many. Is there anyone who can tell me which one is best

can you tell me some cheap natural hair care products?

Hi I am 19 and my hair fall like hell. And due to this they are becoming thin day by day. I don’t know what to do. Please tell me that what I can do in order to make them strong and shiny. Please tell me some good natural hair care products for my hair

Please tell me that what can make me allergic to shaving cream.

I used shaving cream in the shower this morning, then I noticed red dots popping up everywhere on my body and there still there. Obviously I’m allergic but is this dangerous, and what is in the shave cream that I can be allergic to? It’s the kind that s

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