8 Winter skin care tips for acne

Winter skin care tips

Treating acne in winters becomes a difficult task as the skin loses its moisture and becomes dry. The skin care routine needs to be altered for winters as the skin becomes dry in winters. Here are a few tips to keep your skin soft and supple during winters.

1. Use foam Cleanser

Sometimes we may be thinking of using the best product available in the market for our skins but it may not necessarily be true. Something which is good in summers many not be as good in winters. Same can be the case for your cleanser, which may be a right choice for summers but not for winters. Try to avoid face cleansers that contain oil and also benzyl peroxide which excessively dries up the skin. Try using a gentle foaming cleanser.

2. Use a moisturizer

Generally people with acne prone skin use acne treatment products and therefore it becomes highly essential for them to use moisturizer so that their skin does not get too dry. To find an apt moisturizer for your skin you should read the labels carefully and check if it has some kind of an exfoliating ingredient like “aloha hydroxyl acids”, or “salicylic acid” etc. These ingredients can help cure/ avoiding acne by increasing cell growth.

3. Drink plenty of water

Drink plenty of water as it is equally important to get your skin hydrated from inside as much it is to hydrate it from outside. Dehydrated skin becomes dry and withered off. One should drink at least 8 glasses of water even during the winters to keep the skin supple and smooth.

4. Use ointment

If your skin is extremely dry in nature, you may resort to some good acne fighting creams. For teen agers or for the young, we recommend “acne face treatment” while for the adult it would be advisable to use “oxygen infusion skin treatment” which can be a good option for their skin. Do not change your medication in case prescribed by a doctor, without his consent.

5. Take a natural supplement

You can even try going for a natural supplement like “help: clear skin”. It contains a protien which is bioactive in nature and which is extracted from milk in inturn helps to reduce the development of the bacteria, which is actually responsible for many of the skin impurities we suffer from.

6. Use retinol before bed time

You can use retinol before you sleep at night. But make sure that you use a cream with a little content of retinol in it. Retinol is a powerful agent for smoothening the skin. Note that in case you use retinol, you do not forget to apply sun screen during the day because retinol makes the skin very sensitive. Although it is a good way, but we suggest you to do this only if it suits you.

7. Don’t forget to use the SPF

Using a sunscreen will help your skin from aging and skin cancer. This is especially important if you are using the acne treatment which cause photosensitivity or increase your sensitivity to sun.

8. Go with results not the prices

An expensive moisturizer does not assure you a better skin, rather be sensitive to what suits you more. Many a times an inexpensive product can also do as big or rather bigger wonders than the luxury products.

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