6 Treatments for acne scars

Acne scars

Acne is one of the most disturbing skin diseases, which is common in teenagers. For those who are beauty conscious, it is a serious problem, which dims their facial beauty. Pimples can be cured, but after that the scars may remain on the face. Nowadays, a lot of beauty treatments are provided to get rid of acne scars and regain facial beauty. Whenever you go for a treatment, you need to understand the details and results of that particular medication. It is better to know if it is applicable to your skin type. We have put together a list of treatments available for acne scars. Read on and take an informed decision.

1. Treatments using dermal fillers

The dermal filler treatment is a best option for curing acne scars. Dermal fillers can be injected to the scars. After the treatment, the scars and uneven skin surfaces will be lifted, and the skin will become smooth.

2. Punch excision treatment

You may get deep scars on your face due to acne. Such scars can be corrected surgically. Using a round and sharp tool, which is commonly known as a punch biopsy tool, the skin edges can be joined. Thus, the scar is removed from the skin. The size of the tool should be matched with that of the scar. Newly produced stitch marks will fade away and not be noticeable.

3. Punch excision with skin graft replacement

This is an advanced technique. The scar is scratched first and instead of joining the skin edges, the defect is concealed with a punch skin graft taken usually from the back of the ears. The skin tone may be change after the drafting, but using the skin resurfacing technique, the difference can be corrected.

4. Punch elevation treatment

Punch elevation technique is really effective as it never causes any differences in the skin tone or smoothness after the treatment. The punch tool is used in this treatment. This is a surgically corrective technique for deep scars. The base of the scar is excised first leaving the walls on the skin surface. The base is then elevated and attached with the joints to the skin surface using a skin glue called Dermabond.

5. Subcutaneous incision technique

Rolling scars occur when fibrous bands develop between the skin surfaces. In the Subcutaneous Incision technique (Subcision), these fibrous bands are broken up by a needle that is inserted under the skin and the tissue, parallel to the skin’s surface. The bruises which appear after the treatment heal after one week. Sometimes, bleeding or nodules may occur after the treatment, but they all can be healed with injections and proper medication.

6. Laser resurfacing treatment

The laser resurfacing treatment is very popular and effective too. The laser types using for these are carbon dioxide and erbium lasers. The treatment includes the burning of the top skin layers. New skin forms and thus the blemishes disappear.

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