6 Skin care tips for sensitive skin

Dealing with sensitive skin

Sensitive skin is delicate and reacts easily to a lot of factors including heat and cold conditions, beauty treatments, creams and so on. The sensitive skin type is also prone to sun burns or extreme wind conditions. Such factors can easily cause the skin irritation and make it itchy and red. Sensitive skin needs to be given ample attention and care. Although in some cases it cannot be cured completely, the harsh effect of it can be reduced to an extent. We have put together simple beauty tips to help you to effectively take care of your sensitive skin.

1. Skin-friendly diet

Diet plays a vital role in maintaining skin conditions. People who have sensitive skin should take care of their diet in a proper manner. Include lots of colorful fruits and vegetables in your diet, along with food rich in vitamin B complex like lean meat, dark green vegetables, fish, poultry, whole grains and mushrooms. Other than these, almonds, walnuts, fish liver oil, flax seed etc, which are high in omega 3 fatty acids, must be consumed adequately to help maintain healthy skin. You should also be aware of food that causes any sort of allergic reaction and stay away from it.

2. Water intake

Drinking ample amounts of water is good for all skin types.. A person with sensitive skin should drink more of it and that too frequently during the day, to keep the skin sufficiently hydrated. Water consumption also helps the skin fight and resist any kind of irritation.

3. Care during summer and winter

If you have sensitive skin then you are prone to flare ups in extreme weather conditions like peak summer and winters. In such situations, you should take more care than usual by washing and cleansing exposed skin with any mild skin cleanser or soap. Use soft towels to dry the skin and then apply a moisturizer. On a sunny day, ensure to use a sunscreen lotion to protect your skin against the harsh sun.

4. Cleansing

Cleansing your skin regularly is very important for sensitive skin. You can do it with any cleanser provided you do not have an allergic reaction to it. Plain oils or even jojoba oil can be used to gently wipe down your skin. Whatever you do, avoid soaps as they are generally harsh on skin and can only make matters worse.

5. Exfoliating

Exfoliation is not something you would choose to do on a daily basis, but people with sensitive skin need to do it in order to remove any unwanted, dry dead skin cells and dirt. You could go for natural methods so that there is no use of chemicals. Mix together some oatmeal and mashed grapefruit and gently apply on the face. Leave it on for some time and then wash it off with water.

6. Face packs and facials

Putting on cool packs on your face can soothe and take care of sensitive skin to a good extent. Apply some cucumber juice and yogurt mix to your face for good results. Similarly light and natural facials can also help. A fruit facial or a vegetable facial would be best since the use of harsh chemicals are to a minimum.

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