6 Home remedies for sunburn on dark skin

Sun burn

At times very delicate skin on sudden exposure to the sun for two to three days continuously turns red like a boiled lobster, causing significant pain, swelling and soreness. Repeated sunburn makes the skin age more quickly and increases the risk of skin cancer. Fair-complexioned people are more prone to sunburn. However, sunburn can be prevented by drinking plenty of water, eating fresh fruits and maintaining a well-balanced diet. You should use a good quality sun cream when going outdoors. Carry an umbrella to guard against the sun’s rays. Limit your exposure to the sun by not going out in the afternoon. Listed here are 3 home remedies for dark skin.

1. Sandalwood and turmeric powder

Make a paste of sandalwood and turmeric powder and rub it lightly over the sunburned area at least twice or thrice a day. A daily intake of one teaspoon of sandalwood and turmeric also proves beneficial.

2. Cold water splash

Splash cold water on the face and hands or other uncovered parts of the body. Apply cold compress on darkened areas, if caused due to over exposure to the sun. Keep the skin cool with ice or tap water as it will reduce the swelling by drawing the heat of the skin.

3. Green tea

Brew green tea and let it cool. Soak a piece of cloth in it and apply on the darkened skin. This will protect the skin against further damage from the sun’s rays besides reducing skin inflammation.

4. Vitamin E capsule

Apart from these remedies, you can also break open a vitamin E capsule and apply it to the skin. Toothpaste also helps to cool down and soothe the burnt skin. Also, before going to bed, you can apply a mixture of lemon juice, glycerin and rosewater. A paste of mint leaves and water can also be applied on the dark or burnt area.

5. Cucumber

Before you go out in the sun, you can also rub gently a cucumber slice over the sun burned are which will cool the skin and reduce the swelling. Dried orange peels mixed with curd can also help to reduce blemishes and scars.

6. Soak sheets of brown paper

Moreover, soak a few sheets of brown paper or crepe paper in white or cider vinegar and lay them on the burnt areas till they are dry. You may also grind fresh turmeric and mix it with a spoon of milk cream to apply on the face. Leave it for half an hour before washing it off.

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