5 traditional skin care tips

Traditional way to beauty

Be it the18th century or the twenty-first, women never compromised on the way they look. Going back to the 18th century, women adopted traditional way for beauty treatments, which are now replaced by artificial and harmful cosmetics. If you have tried almost all contemporary beauty recipes and by far received minimal or negligible results, here are some old beauty tips that would help you get beautiful and flawless skin.

1. Virgin’s Milk

One of the most effective homemade treatments used during eighteenth century, was prepared with the help of ample amount of onions and leeks to get healthy skin. While onions are anti-inflammatory, leek juice contains sufficient antioxidants that help reduce facial scar and eating off the dead cells. This beauty recipe is very effective on a pimpled face and helps getting smooth and clear skin. Squeeze out the regular house leek juice and clear the impurities off the paste. Now, pour a few drops of concentrated spirit on the juice. When the juice becomes milky, apply it on your face.

2. Effective varnish for the skin

This varnish consists of lemon juice and egg whites. While egg white works as an astringent, the lemon juice helps shed off the dead skin cells. When the mix is used with rice water, it acts as a great skin softener. Beat equal amounts of lemon juice and egg white in a glazed clay pan and heat it on a medium flame. Keep stirring the mixture constantly with a wooden spatula until thick soft butter is acquired. Whenever it’s desired, add a few drops of honey before applying on the skin and wash the mixture off your face with the distilled water from rice.

3. Homemade Cosmetic Juice

Lemon juice, which is rich in citric acid works as an excellent exfoiliator and is antimicrobial and thus helps cleansing the skin and brightening the complexion. Additionally, sugar granules are great natural scrubs which make skin look fresh and clear. Make a hole in a lemon and pour sufficient quantity of sugar candy paste in that hole. Wrap it with leaf gold over the rind extracted from the lemon cut-out. Finally, roast the lemon in hot ashes, squeeze the juice on to a wet napkin and use it as a natural cleanser whenever needed.

4. The Feet bath

The herbs included in this mixture act as a great anti-fungal and antibacterial agents for your feet skin. It removes bacteria that are responsible for stinking feet. Also, juniper berries are astringent, which provide a tingly cool feeling to the feet. Boil six teaspoon of penny royal, rosemary and sage, four teaspoon of angelica and four ounces of juniper berries in an adequate quantity of water. Keep stirring to avoid lumps. Once boiled, drain off liquor and wash the feet with this admirable beauty liquor when desired.

5. A Relaxing Cosmetic Bath

Anti-inflammatories and emollients such as barley, beans or oats have a soothing and moisturizing effect, when applied to the skin. Borage leaves also help in moisturizing and cleansing the skin. Boil six ounces of barley, eight pounds of bran and a few leaves of borage in an adequate amount of distilled water. Cool it down a little before adding it to your bathing water.

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