5 Common beauty mistakes and their fixes

Beauty Mistakes

Looking beautiful is as challenging as it is desirous. Not only does it require an ability to carry yourself gracefully, but it also requires an understanding of common beauty products, their applications and their consequences. At most times, women in the quest of gaining eternal beauty, end up making grave beauty mistakes either due to overuse or neglect. However, there exists an appropriate mechanism to realize and fix these commonly made beauty mistakes as soon and even before they occur. Enlisted here are five major beauty issues and their respective fixes:

1. Improper usage of hair conditioner

Beauty Mistake

Most people do not follow the correct guidelines of using a hair conditioner. They generally apply it just as they shampoo their hair. Moreover, while applying the conditioner, they focus on greasing the ends of the hair which turns out to be a harmful practice in the long run as it tends to weighs their hair down while giving them an oily look.

Beauty Fix

Use the hair conditioner in accordance with the guidelines mentioned on the bottle. This implies that it must be utilized to strengthen the roots on the scalp first, moving upwards. Also keep a gap of about fifteen minutes between its application and shampooing.

2. Wearing a perfume after getting dressed

Beauty Mistake

One of the most commonly made mistakes while getting dressed is the application of perfume over your dress. Owing to the chemical substances that each perfume contains, irrespective of its type and form, your fabrics tend to get stains which are difficult to remove later. Moreover, as the perfume mixes with your body heat, it generates a foul smell which is simply unpleasant.

Beauty Fix

Spray the perfume gently over your body before you put on clothes. Further, avoid rubbing your wrists together after having applied it. This way, it will retain its fragrance and its molecular structure!

3. Getting extremely close to the mirror while plucking eyebrows

Beauty Mistake

In order to remove even the tiniest speck of hair, one tends to get too close to the mirror. However, this turns out to be a blunder altogether. While plucking out the little hair over your eyebrows, you lose account of their total shape. This results into the formation of uneven and almost split-end eyebrows.

Beauty Fix: Use a considerably large mirror to pluck your eyebrows. Step back every once in a while to check the symmetry which is being formed. Also, keep your face in distinct vision while using the tweezers. This will help you strike a balance and maintain the brow growth in proportion to your face.

4. Neglecting the neck

Beauty Mistake

Most women, while wearing make up, stop at the chin. Nevertheless, they forget that their neck is as visible a part of their body as the face. Moreover, it is much more vulnerable in texture and viably prone to wrinkles owing to its high elasticity. Thereby, it is unwise to neglect your neck completely.

Beauty Fix

Apply sunscreen and other moisturizing lotions generously on your neck, hands and back. This will ensure a proportionate protection of your body and will keep all your visible parts sparkling and healthy.

5. Bathing for too long

Beauty Mistake

At times, we tend to overdo the bath. We scrub our bodies vigorously in order to make them absolutely clean. However, this leads to the removal of natural oils and lipids from the body which offer sustainable protection to your skin and hair naturally.

Beauty Fix

Use a cotton loofah to gently scrub your body while bathing. Also, make sure that you bathe in lukewarm water instead of going in for hot or cold extremes.

By adhering to the fixes mentioned above, you will certainly be able to outdo the effects of most beauty mistakes and thus give yourself a sturdy, healthy and everlasting beauty!

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