10 Effective beauty tools

Makeup bag

Well, it is true that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, but it is important for every beauty to look attractive always. A lot of beauty products are out in the market and are extremely in demand because of their ability to make you look amazingly beautiful in no time at all! These hi-end beauty tools are great for pampering yourself and getting a refreshing makeover. Here are the top ten beauty tools that are guaranteed to make your hair, skin and other body parts beautiful and enviable.

1. Clarisonic Skin Care Brush & Cleanser

Skin care brush and cleaner

The skin car brush and cleanser kit from Clarisonic comes with a 2 oz cleaner which is used to unclog the skin pore. The device that does the needful is called a sonic-based brush which is used on the face for having the best results. This type of cleaning is almost at par with manual cleaning. If you cleanse your face twice a day with this, then the texture of your skin will improve manifold. With this beauty tool, you are adding moisture to your skin and it has been seen that your skin texture will show a 50-60% improvement within the first few applications. This device would cost you anything between $190-195 and you can order this product online as well!

2. Leaf & Rusher Derma Roller Kit

Leaf and Rusher Derma Roller Kit

It is essential for you to improve the quality of skin as the softer and supple the skin is the more fresh and beautiful you look. For this enhancement of skin, there is a night beauty treatment that can do the needful to your skin called the Leaf & Rusher Derma Roller Kit that actually cleanses the skin and tones it too by applying it overnight. All you have to do is apply it at night and give your skin a Balinese massage therapy with the tool. This massage de-stresses the skin and relaxes your senses. Priced at $122 this device is a must-buy!

3. Bliss-Philips Bikini Perfect Deluxe Spa-at-Home Grooming System

Bikini perfect spa at home

Now you do not need to squeeze time out to go to the spa with the new Bliss-Philips Bikini Perfect Deluxe Spa-at-Home Grooming System for your routine bikini wax. This magical beauty gadget will remove the extra hair from the bikini lime in little time and would provide your skin a beautiful glow as well. This tool is priced at $59.99.

4. Shu Uemura Eyelash Curler

Eye Lash curler

Now you can pamper your eyelashes and improve their texture and curl them to perfection with the Shu Uemura Eyelash Curler tool that will give your eyes a beautiful form. This beauty tool only costs $19.00!

5. Tanda Regenerate Anti-Aging Starter Kit

regenerating anti-ageing starter kit

Now you can reverse the process of aging and get better skin color, texture and tone with the Anti-Aging Starter Kit by Tanda that would cost your a whopping $385.00! This amazing beauty tool makes use of light-optimized TM topicals that provide your skin a youthful appearance. The tool from Tanda is cordless and portable and can last you around 300 hours which is equivalent to 6000 treatments!

6. Tweezerman Petite Manicure Set

Petite manicure set

This Petite Manicure Set by Tweezerman can give you great pedicure and manicure treatments. This set comprises of a hangnail and cuticle trimmer, nail filer, nail cleaner and many other things. The nail trimmer functions like a tweezer and provides a great grip. This complete nail care kit is priced at merely $20.0!

7. GHD IV Styler Pure

GHD IV Styler Pure

If you want to keep reinventing your hair, then the GHD IV Styler Pure is the tool for you. This tool is great for the straight hair look and even for the curly haired look. Priced at $349.00, this beauty tool is a hot favorite amongst celebrities and the regular female population alike. The high quality assurance is a great add-on for this styling device as it does not spoil the hair shaft with excessive heating.

8. Beauty Shower Purification System from Jonathan

Jonathan Shower Purification system

If you are striving to get the right kind of skin texture and great hair that remains maintained, then you can gain double benefits by buying the Jonathan’s Beauty Shower Purification System that would cost you only $95.00! Excessive iron, chlorine and other minerals present in the water spoil your hair and skin and in order to deal with that the Showerhead by Jonathan takes the hard water and filters it to Evian-like water! This showerhead also has various pressure setting and needs to be changed twice a year. This device will help you hair to stay strong and less brittle, it won’t spoil your hair color and of course it won’t make your skin dry either.

9. Tweezerman Pink Tweezermate 10x Magnification Travel Mirror

Tweezermate magnification travel mirror

If you want perfect eyebrows, then you have got to buy the Tweezermate by Tweezerman that is an amazing beauty tool for giving your eyebrows a good shape. The extra unwanted removed hair with this tool will leave your skin much softer than any other tool. You only have to shell out 15 dollars for this tool!

10. Facial blotting papers

Blotting paper

Facial blotting papers are a must-have for any woman as it is important to keep toning down the oil on your face as it isn’t glamorous to turn up at an event with oily face. The facial blotting papers by Paul and Joe are packaged elegantly along with a compact that has a mirror. This is a great beauty tool for touch ups on the go and is priced at £10 only.

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