10 Beauty tips for business women

Beauty Tips for the Business Traveler

Looking good and attractive has been found to be a significant influencing factor in business success. For women who have to travel frequently for business, one of the major challenges is to look their best when showing up for an important meeting or a critical presentation. This is not easy when you have to deal with jet lag, quick flight changes and having just enough time to freshen up before meeting that appointment deadline. Many women choose to compromise on their beauty regimen in order to cope with the pressure on time and the lack of facilities. As a result they end up looking tired and not at their best. This can spell doom both at the personal and business level. Here are some expert tips that can help you look your glowing self in spite of the challenges of frequent business travel.

1. Know what you can carry

Make sure that all the beauty items you are carrying are within the regulations of travel. You will want to familiarize yourself with the permissible amounts, number of containers and how much of liquid items and gel items you can carry. This will help you pack a perfect make-up kit, without having to waste time at security unpacking, repacking and checking another bag in.

2. Keeping it basic

Typically a kit that is used for travel attracts all sorts of beauty items. Chances are many of them never get used. Yet when you need something, you will often discover that you have not carried it. Here are some essential items that you will want in your travel kit.

  • Wipes: Make sure that you have an adequate supply of wipes that you can use for a variety of purposes, from just cleaning the grime off your face and neck to removing makeup. Choose a multipurpose wipe that is free from harsh chemicals.
  • Moisturizer with sunblock: Choose a good moisturizer that comes with a fair amount of sunblock. If you are going to be outdoors for a significant period of time, go with an SPF of 30 or more. If more of your time will be spent in indoor meetings and discussions, SPF of 15 is adequate.
  • Lip Balm: A good travel sized lip balm can keep your lips from appearing chapped and dull from the travel fatigue and dehydration.

3. Pack with prudence

Make-up and beauty items have a terrible habit of coming loose, getting uncapped and cracking open when traveling. Not only does the product get wasted, they make an unsightly mess of the other things in the kit. Some of them might get damaged beyond use and you will have to waste time cleaning up the mess. Avoid pressed powder compacts since they often end up breaking and become difficult if not impossible to use. Avoid glass containers. For liquid items or shower items that might be wet, pack them in a separate Ziploc before putting them into your carry-on. As a precaution, tape all bottle tops and items that come with loose covers.

4. Pack for where you are headed

Familiarize yourself with the conditions of the place you are traveling to. This can help you to pack the right stuff and leave out what is not necessary. If you are going to a hot and sunny place, make sure you have enough of moisturizer, sunblock, and deodorants. If you are headed to a humid place, carry lightweight make-up, matt foundation, and antiperspirants.

5. Use towelettes

Many beauty items now come in alternate product types. You can get a lot of products in towelette form. This can help you save time, as well as get around regulations on liquids and gels. Towelette solutions that you may want to consider include suntan lotions, exfoliators and face peels, sunblock, makeup remover, and nail polish removers.

6. Stay as hydrated as possible

Frequent travel and spending hours inside aircraft’s and air-conditioned airport lounges can play havoc with the natural moisture balance of your skin. As a result your skin will look dehydrated and dull. Apart from packing in a good instant moisturizer, try and stay hydrated by drinking lots of water before, during and after your travel. If you have a night to stay over, carry a good moisturizing night cream so that you wake up looking glowing.

7. Experiment when you travel

Traveling on business is an excellent time to try out all those new products that you have seen advertised but was not sure you wanted to invest in. Most products come in handy trial sizes that lend themselves perfectly to a travel beauty kit. Some companies even have introduction kits that pack in small containers of their most popular products. Use this time as a way to try out these new products and perfumes.

8. Keep hair care to a minimum

Do not attempt complicated hair styles when traveling as you will need to carry a lot of styling items and spend a good deal of time fixing your hair. Instead go with the simplest and quickest hair do that looks good on you. Carry the basics of hair care when you travel. Consider dry shampoos, spray-on or leave-in conditioners, and travel sized hair driers. If you have a frizz problem, make sure you carry a spray-on anti-frizz.

9. Pamper yourself when you travel

Use business travel to your advantage. Self care and pampering often get relegated to the back burner when at home thanks to the many things that clamor for your attention. When you travel, most of these distractions are not there. Rather than trying to pack in some extra socializing or business discussions into your free time, pamper yourself instead. Treat yourself to a long soak with some aromatic oils and a bubble bath. Give your feet that spa treatment foot soak lotion that you bought but never used due to lack of time. Consider a face mask or a hydrating eye patch. Use your down time during business travel to indulge in some personal comfort time.

10. Scout around for beauty products

The availability of beauty products differs from place to place. Spend your free time during business travel to look around the beauty stores nearby to check if there are any interesting products available. Buy small sized containers that you can carry with you.

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