3 must dos to revitalize dull skin

Revitalise Dull Skin

We live in polluted times. Everything from the air that you breathe to the surfaces you touch are assailed by dirt, smoke, chemicals and so on. Your skin, as the most visible part of you, is the most affected. Different seasons have different effects on it, making it rough, dull, lifeless or just infected enough to break out into acne. It is essential to take good care of your skin, not only so you look beautiful, but also because our surroundings today have become rough enough to cause terminal diseases such as skin cancer. Here, we list a few essential pointers on how to take care of and revitalize dull skin:

1. Glow from within

Eat well

The first commandment for beautiful skin is: Thou Shalt Always Maintain A Healthy Life Routine. It is crucial to take care of what you ingest because the pallor of your skin is a reflection of how well you treat yourself. Drinking 8-10 glasses of water is a must, along with other liquids such as coconut milk, fresh fruit juices etc. A balanced intake of healthy food, with generous helpings of green leafy vegetables, fruits, fish and other non-red meat, pulses and protein-rich foods, almonds, milk, would go a long way in enriching your nutrient bank. Getting your ‘beauty sleep’ i.e. 7-8 hours of restful sleep will energize you.

Make sure to include physical activity in your day. A mere half hour of running, swimming, aerobics or any other form of cardio exercise (or even simple yoga) will open up your sweat glands and let the impurities of your body pour out. However, bear in mind that alcohol, nicotine, coffee, stress etc only hamper your body’s capabilities and for proper repair, abstinence from these is advised. All this would not only boost immunity levels and your happiness quotient, it will also show on your face, when it radiates good health.

2. Treat it right


Apart from building strength from within, it is also important to make sure that your skin is clean and hydrated at all times. Another routine to embrace is the clean-tone-moisturize loop. Clean your face thrice a day with a mild face wash, tone it up with natural products like rose water or ice or choose from the many options available in the market and moisturize with a good water-based cream. Exfoliate skin (both face and body) twice a week. Always wear sunscreen (SPF 15 at the minimum) before stepping outside, even on cloudy days, since UV rays penetrate through all layers, even clothes. Make sure to wear optimum clean clothing, good brands of make-up (always check for expiration dates) and use scarves, stoles and hats to protect your skin.

3. Pamper it, show some love

Treat yourself...

There’s nothing like a good day in the spa to relax your body and soul, which will automatically reflect on your skin. Do not shy away from making that extra effort of getting a hot oil massage or a full-body seaweed wrap/scrub, a soothing facial, soak in the Jacuzzi and sauna – your skin will definitely appreciate it. If baring it all to a stranger is not your first choice, you can find many do-it-yourself options in the market, including face masks, body masks, home spa and facial kits etc. Choose from among the herbal or natural ingredient-based products or make some fabulous mixes of your own at home, using wheat, yogurt, lemon, eggs, vegetable pulp or juice. Also, taking a daily multi-vitamin supplement would help your skin glow from within.

These basic suggestions mean only a few lifestyle changes. One doesn’t have to go into expensive dermatological treatments to bring one’s skin alive. Remember, real beauty is hardly ever skin deep!

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